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“许多的欢乐,留在你的帐蓬。初恋的琴声,撩动几次雪崩。少年的我,为何不懂心痛,蓦然回首,已是光阴如风……”你是否听过藏族歌手容中尔甲那首《高原红》的歌曲,我听过后真想到那儿看看,不只为了看风景,还想实实在在体验一下那里的生活。去年夏天,国家林业局自然保护区研究中心 “A lot of joy, stay in your tents. First love of the piano, flipping a few times avalanche. I juvenile, why do not know heartache, I look back, it is the time of the wind ... ...” Have you heard of the Tibetan singer Rong I heard the song “plateau red” song, I really think of it after listening to see there, not just to see the scenery, but also want to really experience the life there. Last summer, the State Forestry Administration Nature Reserve Research Center
Background. Brain represents a rare site of metastasis in patients with epithe lial ovarian carcinoma (EOC).Case report. We observed a case of multiple brain m
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皱纹是皮肤缺乏水分,表面脂肪减少,弹性下降的结果。通过对饮食结构的调整可以逐渐消除皱纹,延缓皮肤衰老,具体可注意以下几点: 一、多吃富含软骨素硫酸的食物。人的皮肤由
Background The lifesaving treatment endured by cancer patients leads, in many women, to early menopause and subsequent infertility. In clinical situations for w
To investigate the effects of T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and 17β - estradiol on human ovarian stromal tissue survival in culture and to identify steroids ca
离开卢森堡东行约45公里,沿着欧洲少见的盘山公路而下,我们便来到了卡尔·马克思的故乡——特里尔。 首先映入眼帘的恐怕要算是正在涨水的摩泽尔河和横架在河上的罗马桥。这