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文学家沈从文22岁离开家乡来到北京谋求生存和发展,不管是穷途潦倒,倦屈在湘西会馆冰冷的楼梯间;还是后来功成名就,称誉文坛,都时时思念着自己的故乡。正如他所说的:“我的生命在这个环境中成长,因之和这一切都分不开”。“苦苦怀念我家乡那条沅水和水边的人们”。几十年来他对故土这种深深的眷恋,演绎了一个个感人至深的故事。重温儿时梦1982年5月的凤凰城,春光融融。在洒满阳光的青石板街上,一位仪态雍容、慈祥敦厚的老者,拄杖蹒跚信步,看起来很陌生,凤 At the age of 22, writer Shen Congwen left his hometown to seek survival and development in Beijing, whether he was impatient and impatient in the cold staircase of the Xiangxi Hall or later, his fame and reputation were constantly missing his hometown. As he said: “My life grew up in this environment, because it is inseparable from all this.” “Hard to miss my hometown that Yuanshui and water people ”. Decades of his deep attachment to his homeland, the interpretation of a touching story. Review childhood dream May 1982 Phoenix, spring melt. In the sunny blue stone street, a man of grace, kind and honest, stubborn walking, it seems strange, phoenix
Information on geographic distribution, population and threat status of most globally red listed species in the Indo Burma zone are inadequate. Given the increa
We present an innovative and practical scheme of building a miniaturized wavemeter, with the advantages of low cost, high reliability and simple structure. Thro
清晨起来 ,接到学生电话告我的一个不幸消息 :谢老已于昨日 ,即 2 0 0 3年 5月 3日下午去世。乍闻此讯 ,心中猛然袭起一阵怅然和哀痛 ,良久不能自已。虽然我知道谢老最近身体
对西气东输管道工程中所用的焊接方法进行了工艺简介与比较 ,并对各种焊接方法的焊工培训、人员设备的配备、焊接效率及焊接成本、焊接质量等进行了分析比较 A brief introd
The radiation damage responses of Buorinated and non-Buorinated lateral PNP transistors are studied with specially designed gated-controUed lateral PNP transist
▲贵族军人 提到二战时期德国的军人,很多人首先想到的是曼施泰因、隆美尔、古德里安等一个个威名显赫的将帅,或者是魏特曼、哈特曼、鲁德尔等创造了诸多战场奇迹的杀手。在