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1998年进入日化香精行业的琥珀香料2010年的销售额达到1.2亿元人民币,如今已跻身于本土日化香料供应商的第一阵营,成为纳爱斯、立白、榄菊等品牌的长期供应商,与爱普、铭康、波顿等日化香精行业佼佼者为伍。琥珀的发展首先得益于在 In 1998, the amber fragrances entering the daily-use fragrance industry reached 120 million yuan in sales in 2010 and now ranks among the first camps of the local cosmetic suppliers and become the long-term brand of NICE, Liberia, Suppliers, and Aipu, Mingkang, Burton and other cosmetics industry leader in the ranks. Amber’s development first benefits from
On September 21st,a ceremony was held for theground-breaking of the China-Russia joint venture13 million t/a refinery at Tianjin’s Binhai New Area.The RMB30 b
PetroChina Company Limited (SH:601857; HK:857) achieved a turnover ofRMB684 797 million in the first half of2010 under the International Financial Reporting St
Quantitative structure-property relationships(QSPRs) have been developed to predict the thermal stability for a set of 22 nitroaromatic compounds by means of th
【正】 Huineng Group has got approval by the NationalDevelopment and Reform Commission(NDRC) for its coal-to-SNG (synthetic naturalgas) in Erdos,Inner Mongolia,
特异的放免分析法可用来测定血清鳞状细胞癌抗原(SCC)。慕尼黑的妇科专家认为,SCC 超过2ng/ml 则属于正常范围的上限值。35名健康妇女的 SCC 无一例升高,50例子宫肌瘤、子宫
从1980年10月至1981年1月,我们使用1%硫酸锌溶液内服治疗了59例痤疮,取得良好效果,现将资料完整者52例报告如下: 一、1%硫酸锌溶液的配制 (1)原料:采用江苏常州冶炼厂生产的药
人间四月芳菲尽,万紫千红总是春。大凡到武当山的中外游客可说是冲一个“灵”字而至。爱好武术的,研究古建筑的,喜欢道教音乐的,迷恋自然景观的。自2000年以 Fang Fei in th