
来源 :河北政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong518
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各设区市人民政府,有关县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门: 经省政府同意,现就农村税费改革试点地区调整农业特产税政策的有关事项作如下通知:一、调整合并农业特产税征收环节。原在收购环节征收农业特产税的水产品、原木、牲畜产品、食用菌、贵重食品5个品目改在生产环节征收。二、合并、取消部分应税品目。农业特产税 People’s governments of all districts and cities, relevant people’s governments of the counties (cities) and departments of the provincial government: With the agreement of the provincial government, we hereby make the following notice on the relevant matters concerning the policy of adjusting special agricultural products tax in pilot areas for the reform of rural taxes and fees: Special product tax collection links. The original collection of agricultural products tax levied on aquatic products, logs, livestock products, edible fungi, 5 items of expensive food levied in the production link. Second, the merger, cancel part of the taxable items. Special agricultural tax
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各州、市人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局,中央驻昆各主管单位: 近几年,我省控制社会集团购买力工作管理松驰,致使消费基金增长过快,特别是少数单位脱离云南
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“我们拆毁了墙壁和天花板,以区分创造和商业、想象和现实、网站和商店、橱窗和仓库、产品和原型、人群和品牌、视觉和触觉、欲望和拥有。”Roderick Vos工作室的网站上写着
Chopin continues to exert a strong influence upon young piano learners in China Located along the West Third Ring Road of Beijing, the piano school of the Jiang
三都县国税局鼓励税务干部通过自学、函授、脫产等方式学习,不断提高文化素质,取得较好的效果。 1994年10月,三都县国税局共有税务干部53人,其中大专学历3人,中专学历10人。