
来源 :旅行医学科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awander
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Emerging diseases are usually defined as eithernew previously unrecognized diseases that haveappeared for the first time, or diseases known to existbut which are increasing in geographic range and/orincidence. A number of emerging viral diseases havebeen reported in the South-East Asian and westernPacific regions over the past decade that fall into bothof these categories. The spread of Japanese Emerging diseases are have defined as eithernew previously unrecognized diseases that haveappeared for the first time, or diseases known to existbut which are increasing in geographic range and / orincidence. A number of emerging viral diseases havebeen reported in the South-East Asian and westernPacific regions over the past decade that fall into both of these categories. The spread of Japanese
奴卡菌病是由奴卡菌侵犯人体所引起的急性或慢性、化脓性或肉芽肿性疾病.奴卡菌所致的系统性感染较少见,主要侵犯肺部,也可累及皮肤、肋骨、股骨、脊椎骨和骨盆.通过大量的调查显示,系统性奴卡菌感染患者中有44%侵犯到中枢神经系统[1].Nocard 于1888年首次鉴定出奴卡菌.1890年Eppinger报道了第1例中枢神经系统奴卡菌病,当时无特殊治疗方法,直到1954年才有1例奴卡菌脑部感染患者因采用外
德国毛瑟M1932 7.63mm冲锋手枪,是德国毛瑟兵工厂于1932年定型生产的M1898系列自动手枪的最后一种产品,该枪的工厂内部编号为“712”号。我国对其称谓多样,例如“二十响驳壳
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在20世纪80年代被PASGT Kevlar头盔代替之前,使用了长达半个世纪的M1型头盔曾经装备给美军的各种部队。在二战、朝鲜战争、越南战争、格林纳达入侵中美军都采用了M1型头盔。
1 临床资料患者,男,32岁,在无诱因的情况下出现左下腹持续性疼痛2 d就诊。体温37.4℃,全身淋巴结不大,全身未见红晕、皮疹和水疱,心肺未见异常。腹平软,左下腹触痛明显,无固
AIM:Both Hepatitis B virus(HBV)and Hepatitis C virus(HCV)are major causative agents of transfusion-associatedand community-acquired hepatitis worldwide.Develop
本文报告 2例无任何已知风险因素的散发性急性戊型肝炎病人。例 1  45岁女性 ,因发热 ( 3 8℃ ) 1周伴深色尿和上腹痛于 1 997年 9月入院。否认近期有出国旅游史 ,也无可致