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乘车去沅陵县二酉山的路上,我想,若畅谈华夏五千年史时,炎黄子孙必须感谢两个人,一是仓颉,二是伏胜。若于二酉山而言,还有一个善卷。这些,岁月不能尘封,时间也不能收割。二酉藏书洞酉水与酉溪汇合处,有一状似蒙古包的山,名曰二酉山,它背靠青龙山,左对蟠龙山,右伴鳄龙山,三水环绕,三山拱卫,极具王者霸气、仙家神韵。矗立码头,远望,山顶穹隆,状若华盖, On the way to Mount Yuanling County in Mount Usu, I would like to say that if we talk about the five thousand years of Huaxia history, the grandson of Yan Huang must thank two people, one is Cang Jie and the other is Victory. If in Mount Usama, there is another good book. These, the years can not be dusty, the time can not be harvested. The unitary water of the Western Unitary Book and the confluence of the western and western rivers have a mountain shaped like a yurt, named Mount II Youshan. It is backed by Qinglong Mountain, to the left of Bailong Mountain, to the right of Cang Longshan, to Sanshui and to the Three Mountains, King domineering, immortal charm. Stands the wharf, afar, the dome dome, shaped like a canopy,
A fast algorithm is proposed to predict penetration trajectory in simulation of normal and oblique penetration of a rigid steel projectile into a limestone targ
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Based on statistics principle,random error and systematic error were considered and the volumetric properties of the two mixtures types,namely A and B,were stat