A low power fast-settling frequency-presetting PLL frequency synthesizer

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huyuxuan0601
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This work presents the design and implementation of a 2.4 GHz low power fast-settling frequency-presetting PLL frequency synthesizer in the 0.18μm CMOS process.A low power mixed-signal LC VCO,a low power dual mode prescaler and a digital processor with non-volatile memory are developed to greatly reduce the power consumption and the setting time.The digital processor can automatically calibrate the presetting frequency and accurately preset the frequency of the VCO under process variations.The experimental results demonstrate that the power consumption of the synthesizer is about 4 mA @ 1.8 V and that the typical setting time of the synthesizer is less than 3μs. This work presents the design and implementation of a 2.4 GHz low power fast-settling frequency-presetting PLL frequency synthesizer in the 0.18 μm CMOS process. A low power mixed-signal LC VCO, a low power dual mode prescaler and a digital processor with non -volatile memory are developed to greatly reduce the power consumption and the setting time. The digital processor can automatically calibrate the presetting frequency and accurately preset the frequency of the VCO under process variations. the experimental results demonstrate that the power consumption of the synthesizer is about 4 mA @ 1.8 V and that the typical setting time of the synthesizer is less than 3μs.
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患者男性 ,4 3岁。地毯厂工人。双侧腹股沟无痛性肿物 2个月。查体 :一般状况好 ,左右侧腹股沟区分别触及一约 3cm× 6cm、3cm× 7cm“纺锤形”肿物 ,质硬、无压痛、活动差、表面尚光
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