Late Quaternary normal faulting and its kinematic mechanism of eastern piedmont fault of the Haba-Yu

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlll9393
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The regional geologic and geomorphic observations show that an active arcuate normal fault constitutes the main boundary fault of the Haba-Yulong Snow Mountains (HYSM). This fault is called eastern piedmont fault of Haba-Yulong Snow Mountains (HYPF). The fault consists of two segments with differential trend; the northern segment is NW-trending and NE-dipping and the southern section is S-N trending and E-dipping. Three sets of fault scarps cutting late Quaternary landforms and their dating results indicate that the fault is a prominent Holocene active fault and its throw rates are 0.3―1.4 mm/a during late Quaternary. The geometry and kinematics of the fault suggest that the arcuate normal faulting or rifting are typical surface deformation pattern at the two tips of the Z-shaped rift zone of northwestern Yunnan, which is related to regional east-west extension accompanying clockwise rota- tion of micro-block. The regional geologic and geomorphic observations show that an active arcuate normal fault constitutes the main boundary fault of the Haba-Yulong Snow Mountains (HYSM). The fault is of the eastern piedmont fault of Haba-Yulong Snow Mountains (HYPF). two segments with differential trend; the northern segment is NW-trending and NE-dipping and the southern section is SN trending and E-dipping. Three sets of fault scarps cutting late Quaternary landforms and their dating results indicate that the fault is a prominent Holocene active fault and its throw rates are 0.3-1.4 mm / a during late Quaternary. The geometry and kinematics of the fault suggest that the arcuate normal faulting or rifting are typical surface deformation pattern at the two tips of the Z-shaped rift zone of northwestern Yunnan, which is related to regional east-west extension accompanying clockwise rota- tion of micro-block.
一.:■’ 一一? ‘ t - 阿克布≤善≮l:≯“i。’0、△赛牦牛 格桑达瓦摄攀譬篓精彩纷呈的藏民族传统体育@阿克布@格桑达瓦 A: ■ ’a?’ T - Akebu ≤ good ≮ l: ≯ "i.’
清面钓鲫鱼在重庆地区是比较流行的一种垂钓方法,效果很不错。现在介绍如下,希望能与钓友共旨手。 一、清面的制作。所谓“清面”是指掺水较多的稀面团。具体做法是取面粉或
一、钓组制作 ①选直径4厘米左右的白色塑料药瓶,从上口处剪掉留底部3.5厘米高。②取包装用白泡沫2厘米厚削成圆柱形(略大于瓶粗)塞入瓶底。③取0.15厘米粗钢丝弯成1.5厘米
十月的榕城,秋高气爽,景色格外美。1994年全国足球论文报告会期间,笔者有幸碰到年届古稀,身体仍然十分硬朗的中国足坛宿将鄂伯尔先生。 鄂老1923年出生于北京灯市口大街的“