Flood Risk Management in the UK

来源 :水利水电快报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoqing123456789
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Approaches to reduce disruption and damage from flooding have changed significantly in recent years. Worldwide, there has been a significant move from a strategy of flood defence to one of flood risk management. Flood risk management includes the use of flood defences, where appropriate, but also recognizes that more managed flooding is essential to meeting goals for biodiversity and to sustain good ecological status in river and coastal systems. The author reviews the flood risk management and analyzes its development and future strategy in the UK. The study shows that flooding and its impacts seem to be increasing with the global climate change and social?economic development. Flood risk management therefore requires a holistic approach, addressing the scientific and engineering issues of rainfall, runoff, rivers and flood inundation as well as the human and socio?economic issues of planning, development and management. Approaches to reduce disruption and damage from flooding have changed significantly in recent years. Worldwide, there has been a significant move from a strategy of flood defense to one of flood risk management. Flood risk management includes the use of flood defenses, where appropriate, but also recognizes that more managed flooding is essential to meeting goals for biodiversity and to sustain good ecological status in river and coastal systems. The author reviews the flood risk management and analyzes its development and future strategy in the UK. impacts seem to be increasing with the global climate change and social? economic development. Flood risk management caused not a holistic approach, addressing the scientific and engineering issues of rainfall, runoff, rivers and flood inundation as well as the human and socio? economic issues of planning, development and management.
例1 患者女性,25岁,已婚,住院号5743。1981年7月患者产后高热,体温39℃,腹泻,盗汗伴头痛,曾在某医院就医,诊为肺结核,不规则抗痨治疗一月后自动停药。1982年7月24日,又因高
男患 30岁因心窝部疼痛、反酸嗳气半年,于1984年9月20日来院就诊。查体:心肺未见异常。肝脾未触及。上腹部压痛(+)。心率79次,血压120/90。。末梢血WBC8,500。经钡餐透视诊