
来源 :现代艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haili20102010
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即使许多人都认为书法重要,但大部分人对书法艺术并不太了解。特别是就汉字书写艺术来看,许多人并未完全把书法的艺术性与汉字的文化内涵联系起来,对书法艺术与汉字文化的关系并未有足够的了解。从哲学、美学或者说艺术的角度来看,汉字书法艺术是一门抽象艺术,也是一门高雅艺术,因为书法艺术虽然源自形象化的甲骨文,但是,它发展到金文、籀文、小篆的时候,汉字开始走抽象化、艺术化方向了。从此以后,作为艺术性文字的汉字就不再具有形象性,而具有抽象性的结构性、几何性、线条性、节奏性, Even though many people think calligraphy is important, most people do not know much about calligraphy. Especially in the art of writing Chinese characters, many people do not completely relate the artistic nature of calligraphy to the cultural connotation of Chinese characters, and do not have enough understanding of the relationship between Chinese calligraphy and Chinese culture. From the philosophical, aesthetic or artistic point of view, Chinese calligraphy is an abstract art as well as an elegant art. Although calligraphic art originated from figurative inscriptions on the oracle bone, it has developed into the aristocratic, imperial, When the Chinese characters began to take abstraction, the direction of art. Since then, the Chinese characters as artistic writing no longer have the image, but the abstract structure, geometry, line, rhythm,
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白羽,原名黄新国,1981年出生,唐山玉田人,毕业于河北师范大学美术系。少时着意于雕刻、绘画,参加工作后开始从事木雕及核雕艺术创作,其作品别出心裁,富有禅意,刀工细腻,注重神韵的表达。  一截野酸枣木的树疤凹陷处裸露出红褐色的芯材,再仔细看,竟然是一位打坐的僧人,他双目紧闭,几近于清苦的神情给人带来虔诚的震撼。人在树洞里修行,便赋予了这截木头无限的禅意。这是白羽雕刻的作品之一。他通常会在作品上落款
目的 探讨上颌窦底提升术在早期上颌牙龈癌手术治疗中的应用价值。方法 选择 7例局限于上颌牙龈部的早期牙龈癌 (男 5例 ,女 2例 ) ,于上颌窦前壁开窗 ,行上颌窦底粘膜提升
针对当前高职形势与政策课教学存在的问题,提出提高教学效果的建议。 In view of the existing problems in the current situation of higher vocational education and po
侯开嘉HOU KAIJIA1946年5月生于四川宜宾。四川大学艺术学院教授、硕士生导师,中国书协学术委员会委员,第三届中国书法“兰亭奖”评审委员,第十届全国书学研讨会评审委员,中
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