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(一)拓展开发文化经营必须冲破传统观念的束缚,用活用足国家的有关政治和经济政策文化经营的主要阻力是旧的传统观念。中国是礼义之邦,翻开历史,数千年来,“文不经商,仕不理财”确是历代都有的不成文的法规,“讳言财利”,不谈经济,不懂经济是旧中国知识分子的通病。时至今日,一直以文化为业的人研究生财之道,对于旧的传统观念难免不无触及,并借助于现代中国长期形成的极左思潮,通过社会舆论和一些执权者形成阻力,陷文化经营于困围之中。泗阳县图书馆在开展以文补文工作中,就有深切的体会。去年四月,馆领导就将没有设备。长久空着的视听室准备经营舞厅服务,消息一出,便招来满城风雨,说得婉转的:图书馆是文明高雅场所,搞舞厅不 A. Developing and Developing Cultural Management We must break the shackles of traditional concepts. The main obstacle to cultural management through the relevant political and economic policies of a full-fledged country is the old traditional concept. China is a state of righteousness and righteousness that has opened its history. For thousands of years, “no business is done in business, no personal wealth management” is indeed an unwritten law and regulation of all ages. Old Chinese intellectuals common problem. Nowadays, people who have been cultivating culture have been studying the ways of making money. They are bound to touch on the old traditional concepts. With the help of the ultra-leftist ideology formed by the long-term modern China, resistance has been formed through public opinion and some power-holders. Cultural management in the siege. Siyang County Library in carrying out text complement work, there is a deep experience. In April last year, the museum leaders will have no equipment. The long-awaited audio-visual room ready to run the ballroom service, the news came out, it attracted a stormy city, put it mildly: the library is a place of civilization and elegance, do the ballroom is not
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