
来源 :法制与经济(上旬刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsfddsffd
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化解社会矛盾纠纷,促进社会和谐稳定,成为当前检察工作服务大局的重要任务。检察机关要着眼于构建社会主义和谐社会,从更高更新的角度去审视化解社会矛盾纠纷工作,充分认识基层检察机关完善化解社会矛盾工作机制的必要性。妥善化解检察环节社会矛盾,关键要不断创新工作思路,探索新方法,通过完善执法办案矛盾化解机制、外部配合机制、涉检信访工作机制等,建立健全化解社会矛盾的长效工作机制。 To resolve social conflicts and disputes and promote social harmony and stability has become an important task for serving the general procuratorial work. The procuratorial organs should focus on building a socialist harmonious society, examine and resolve social conflicts and disputes from a higher and more updated perspective, and fully understand the necessity of improving the work mechanism for resolving social conflicts by grassroots procuratorates. The key to resolving social conflicts in procuratorial links is to continuously innovate the working ideas and explore new ways to establish and improve a long-term working mechanism for resolving social conflicts by improving the mechanism for resolving contradictions in law enforcement and handling cases, the external coordination mechanism, and the working mechanism for petition letters and visits.
上帝正看着  老师拿出一篮苹果和一篮饼干放在桌上给同学们吃。  老师对同学们说每人只能拿一份。  装苹果的篮子旁边放着一个小牌子,上面写着:只能拿一个,上帝在看着。  一个小姑娘伸手拿起一块饼干时,她旁边的小男孩悄悄地对她说:“想拿多少就拿多少吧,上帝正看着苹果呢!”
The transparent aqueous solutions of succinonitrile(SCN) provide an effective model system to simulate the phase separation process of various advanced material
Protection of criminals’human rights is an important issue that has received full attention at home and abroad. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always a
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