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时间过得真快!转眼,进藏工作两年半了。援藏以来的历历往事,即使点滴,也显得弥足珍贵。初来西藏2013年6月17日,我和另一位担任定结县委书记的援友离开家乡,作为吉林省先行进藏的干部,前往拉萨,到西藏自治区委党校接受培训。当天下午,在成都双流机场中转时,我们被告知,飞往拉萨的航班因天气原因取消。无奈,我们在成都滞留一夜,于第二天上午抵达拉萨。在内地时,自认为身体素质是过硬的,援藏前,又经体检过关,这让我对高原反应有些轻视。可是,当天晚上,我对此再也不敢 Time flies! Instantly, into Tibet for two and a half years. Since the Tibetan history, even bit by bit, it is also precious. When I first came to Tibet On June 17, 2013, I and my other aide who served as secretary of the county party committee decided to leave my hometown. I, as a cadre pioneer in Tibet, went to Lhasa and was trained by the Party School of the Tibet Autonomous Region. In the afternoon of the same day, when it was transferred to Chengdu Shuangliu Airport, we were told that the flight to Lhasa was canceled due to the weather. Helpless, we stayed overnight in Chengdu and arrived in Lhasa the next morning. When I was in the Mainland, I thought that my physical fitness was excellent. Before my stay in Tibet, I passed a physical examination and this gave me some contempt for the altitude sickness. However, that night, I never dared
Background There has been continuous debate as to whether Y chromosome loss is an age related phenomenon or acytogenetic marker indicating a malignant change.T
着法(红先胜):1.后⑤墨 0 6—12.后⑤1 0 6 I8.⑩2 4 0 6 74.⑩3 4 0 7 65.前⑨1 0 6 7 7.后⑤4 0 6 5 9.⑤2 1 O 5可11.⑤4 2 0 5—113.⑤5 6 0 4 515.⑤5 4 0 6 517.⑤4工
Background Many basic and clinical studies have proved that anisodamine can produce significant effect on relievingmicrovascular spasm,improving and dredging t
多国投资保险机构(Multinaltional Investment Guarantee Agency,MIGA)是继1965年“解决投资争议国际中心”成立之后,在世界银行体系范围内建立的又一个与促进外国投资有关的国际性金融机构。目前已有73个国家签署了创设这一机构的多边公约,其中54国已各按本国司法程序批准了这项公约,而发展中国家就占了40多个。我国作为该公约附表甲列名的148个创始成员国之一,也已按公约规定的份额认缴了3100多万特别提款权的股金。
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