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郭唯义同志解放初期在我军军医大学当教员,后到中国医学科学院情报室工作,1973年调入医科院图书馆,后来担任我馆副馆长。她是一位新中国成立前参加革命,文化水平较高,对工作孜孜不倦,充满人间情感,受人尊敬的老同志。她现在虽然已经离休了,但仍然充满活力,当人们有问题求教于她时,依然满腔热情,鼎力帮助。 她在我馆整整工作了二十年,对于恢复我馆十年文化革命遭到的破坏和在我馆贯彻落实三中全会精社,恢复和发展我馆各项工作,作出了不可磨灭的贡献。 In the early days of the liberation, Comrade Guo Weiyi worked as a teacher at the Military Medical University of our military and later worked in the intelligence office of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1973, he was transferred to the Library of the Academy of Medical Sciences and later served as deputy curator of our museum. She is an old comrade who participated in the revolution before the founding of New China, had a high level of education, and was diligent in her work, full of human emotions and respected. Although she has now retired, she is still full of energy. When people have problems to seek advice in her, they are still enthusiastic and supportive. She has been working in our museum for 20 years and has made an indelible contribution to the restoration of the ten-year cultural revolution in our museum and the implementation of the Third Plenary Session of the Institute in our Library and the restoration and development of various aspects of our museum .
本文针对我馆医学期刊资料的传统管理模式与医学文献开发利用矛盾的特点进行剖析与研究,并拟出改革传统的管理模式和解决供求矛盾的对策,以求教于同行。 一、传统的搜集带来
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