
来源 :中国经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianghui_one1
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把握旧中国粮食生产的水平,是研究新中国农业经济的一个重要前提。但中国历代志书对于农产的丰歉一般只作“丰稔”、“饥”、“大饥”等定性描述,不大注意经济数量关系,缺乏计量记载。进入近代以后,一直到光绪三十四年和宣统元年(1908、1909年),才开始有清政府农工商部编印的《农工商部统计表》。入民国后,北洋政府农商部于1912至1921年继续编印《农商统计表》,但前两次统计表虽以农商标题,实际内容却只有工商矿业统计,未列农业项目。1914年第三次农商统计表才开始有农业生产的统计,分省统计各年各主要作物的种植面积、收获量和单位面积收获量。这是我们现在能够见到的有关我国农产量和产额的最早统计,但是它的统计质量很差,在稻产统计上,第三、四次统计数字明显偏高,第五次起缺漏严重,至第十次仅有6个省呈报的数字,所以这套资料虽仍不乏有人引用,但不足 To grasp the level of grain production in old China is an important prerequisite for studying the agricultural economy in new China. However, the records of ancient Chronicles in China generally only provide a qualitative description of “abundance,” “hunger,” “hunger,” and “great hunger.” They pay little attention to the quantitative relationship between the economy and the lack of measurement records. After entering the modern era, up to thirty-four years of Emperor Guangxu and the first year of Xuantong (1908 and 1909), the “Statistics of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Department” compiled by the Qinghai Agrarian Industry and Commerce Department began to be printed. After entering the Republic of China, the Beiyang Government’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry continued to compile the “Farmers’ Statistical Tables” from 1912 to 1921. However, although the statistics of the two previous tables ran on the title of agricultural trades, the actual contents were only statistics from the industrial and commercial and mining industries and no agricultural projects were listed. In 1914, the Third Agricultural Statistics Table began to have statistics on agricultural production. By province, statistics were made on the planting area, harvest yield and harvest per unit area of ​​the major crops in each year. This is the earliest statistics we can see about our country’s agricultural output and output. However, its statistical quality is very poor. Statistics on rice production have been markedly high in the third and fourth statistics and severely missed in the fifth. , Only the figures reported to only the sixth province to the tenth time. Therefore, although there is still no shortage of quoted articles in this set of information,
哪个国家的人民都是赛车手?答案绝对只有一个,那就是《QQ飞车》的飞车世界!初识QQ飞车的时候,俺老是把它跟 Which country’s people are racers? The answer is only one,
学校的体育活动,不仅要教学生体育技能,提高体育成绩,也要挖掘体育活动中美育的因素,使学生在体育中受到更多美的陶冶,成为美的欣赏者,美的创造者。 The physical activitie
双肘连环搏击,是各种肘法相互配合连环主动攻击的组合。该法肘肘相连,击点不一,忽左忽右,忽上忽下,肘法不定,击中有变,变化中击,法无定势,势无定法,肘中有肘,突发多变,可谓神出鬼没,使对手难以预料,防不胜防。    第一部分正顶肘与其它肘法配合连击    一、正顶肘击面接侧顶肘击胸  我左脚前上一步,接近对手,同时用左正顶肘击对手面部(图1)。对手右脚后退步:我右脚前上一步,身体左转成马步,同时用右
摘 要:笔者通过对师范院校学生心理健康教育现状进行调查,分析师范院校学生常见的心理健康问题及其原因,探讨学校体育对心理健康的重要影响,提出在体育教学中对学生进行心理健康教育的途径和方法。  关键词:学生 心理健康 学校体育 健康教育    学校体育是我国学校教育的重要组成部分,也是我国体育事业发展的基础。世界卫生组织提出:“健康不仅是指身体没有疾病,而且是身体上、心理上和社会上的完好状态。”怎样将