
来源 :中国有色金属 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsb398322830
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【本刊讯】日前,历时三年开工建设的金钼集团汝阳公司20000吨/日选矿厂正式竣工投产,此举对于该企业实现资源综合开发、提升规模竞争优势、扩大行业影响力具有重要意义。汝阳公司20000吨/日选矿厂建设项目,由6项主体工程和1项配套工程组成,达产达标后,可年产钼精矿1.32万吨,铁精矿14.52万吨。 Recently, the 20000 t / day beneficiation plant of Ruyang Company, which started construction in three years, was formally completed and put into production. This is of great significance for the enterprise to realize the comprehensive development of resources, enhance the scale competitive advantage and expand the influence of the industry significance. Ruyang company 20,000 tons / day beneficiation plant construction project, composed of six main projects and an auxiliary project, up to standard, with an annual output of 13,200 tons of molybdenum concentrate, iron concentrate 145,200 tons.
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