
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nicolaskerry
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大兴安岭地区行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位:随着国民经济和社会事业的不断发展,水文工作在国民经济发展规划、水利工程建管、水利规划设计、水资源开发利用及管理保护等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。目前,我省已建成各类水文站点1600多处,形成了包括水位、流量、雨量、水质、地下水、蒸发、泥沙、冰情等测验项目齐全,布局比较合理的水文站网,为国民经济建设和社会发展提供了必要的水文技术资料,为各级政府防汛抗旱指挥的正确决策、合理调度和抗洪抢险等工作提供了科学依据。但是,我省水文行业管理薄弱,职能不明确,投入机制不完善以及测报设施陈旧、技术手段落后、工作条件比较艰苦等问题,严重影响着水文作用的发 Daxinganling Regional Administration, municipalities, county people’s government, the provincial government units under their subordinates: With the continuous development of the national economy and social undertakings, hydrological work in the national economic development planning, water conservancy project construction, water conservancy planning and design, water resources development and utilization and Management and protection and other aspects play an increasingly important role. At present, the province has built more than 1,600 hydrological stations of all kinds, forming a hydrological station network with complete test items and reasonable layout such as water level, flow, rainfall, water quality, groundwater, evaporation, sediment, ice conditions and so on. Construction and social development provided the necessary hydrological technical information for all levels of government flood control and drought command the correct decision, reasonable scheduling and flood and rescue work provided a scientific basis. However, the hydrological industry in our province is weakly managed, the functions are not clear, the input mechanism is not perfect, and the old reporting facilities are outdated. The technical means are lagging behind and the working conditions are more difficult.
The ground shakes. Dishes fall off shelves. Houses collapse. Cars topple over bridges. Every year, earthquakes destroy homes and schools, and they kill many th
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