Towards equal and universal access to public library services in China:Consolidation of local public

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bgnjqw
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This paper reports on a LSC(Library Society of China) funded project “Library Service Network Development” and its major findings.The primary objective of the project was to investigate the work that Chinese local governments and the library profession has devoted to consolidating regional and local library systems for equitable access since the beginning of this Millennium.The study shows that in the past few years,local governments and library professionals have proactively sought ways to establish community based libraries,build contract based main-branch relations and develop regional library service networks.The study also shows that although these endeavors have produced visible improvement to local public library systems and have accumulated valuable experience for promoting equality of access,a true and sustainable equality of public library access requires radical changes to the governing structure of Chinese public libraries:it requires a redefinition of their development agents and administrative unit. This paper reports on a LSC (Library Society of China) funded project “Library Service Network Development ” and its major findings. The primary objective of the project was to investigate the work that Chinese local governments and the library profession has devoted to consolidating regional and local library systems for equitable access since the beginning of this Millennium. The study shows that in the past few years, local governments and library professionals have proactively sought ways to establish community based libraries, build contract based main-branch relations and develop regional library service networks. The study also shows that although these endeavors have produced visible improvement to local public library systems and have accumulated valuable experience for promoting equality of access, a true and sustainable equality of public library access requires radical changes to the governing structure of Chinese public libraries: it requires a redefinition of their development a gents and administrative unit.
今年3月2日,湖北省荆门市园林管理处的李景勤在一中型水库里用小钩细线钓起一条长1.25米、重12.5千克的大青鱼,成为荆门当地钓友们的热门话题。 3月2日这天,天气晴朗,3级北
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