Wafer-scale graphene on 2 inch SiC with uniform structural and electrical characteristics

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ladiylove
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Wafer-scale graphene on SiC with uniform structural and electrical features is needed to realize graphene-based radio frequency devices and integrated circuits.Here,a continuous bi/trilayer of graphene with uniform structural and electrical features was grown on 2 inch 6H-SiC (0001) by etching before and after graphene growth.Optical and atomic force microscopy images indicate the surface morphology of graphene is uniform over the 2 inch wafer.Raman and transmittance spectra confirmed that its layer number was also uniform.Contactless resistance measurements indicated the average graphene sheet resistance was 720 /with a non-uniformity of 7.2%.Large area contactless mobility measurements gave a carrier mobility of about 450 cm2 /(V s) with an electron concentration of about 1.5×10 13 cm2.To our knowledge,such homogeneous morphology and resistance on wafer scale are among the best results reported for wafer-scale graphene on SiC. Wafer-scale graphene on SiC with uniform structural and electrical features is needed to realize graphene-based radio frequency devices and integrated circuits. Here, a continuous bi / trilayer of graphene with uniform structural and electrical features was grown on 2 inch 6H-SiC ( 0001) by etching before and after graphene growth. Optical and atomic force microscopy images indicate the surface morphology of graphene is uniform over the 2 inch wafer. Raman and transmittance spectra confirmed that its layer number was also uniform. Contactless resistance measurements indicated the average graphene sheet resistance was 720 / with a non-uniformity of 7.2%. Larger area contactless mobility measurements gave a carrier mobility of about 450 cm2 / (Vs) with an electron concentration of about 1.5 × 10 13 cm2.To our knowledge, morphology and resistance on wafer scale are among the best results reported for wafer-scale graphene on SiC.
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