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广州有许多白颁阶层及使馆外事人员都有自己的宠物。狗啊,猫啊,甚至乳虎、乳狮什么的,都是名牌珍品,价格高昂,娇媚可爱至极。主人对它们可说是千般呵护,万般宠爱,甚至达到形影不离的程度。今年“五一”达七天的长假,撩得这些人心痒痒的,哪个不想出外走走,换换心情?可问题来了,这些宠物怎么办?它们可不会自己打开冰箱找酸奶、蛋糕吃呀!交给亲戚朋友?不行!这些宠物 There are many white-collar workers in Guangzhou and foreign embassy staff have their own pets. Dogs, cats, and even milk tiger, lioness or something, are brand-name treasures, high prices, flirtatious cute extremely. The owner can say that they are all kinds of care, love, even to the extent inseparable. This year “51 ” up to seven days holiday, tease these people itch, which do not want to go out and change mood? But the question is, how to do these pets? They can not open their own refrigerator to find yogurt, cake eat Yeah! To relatives and friends? No! These pets
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