东西合作 优势互补 建立鲜食葡萄东西流通产业链示范工程

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农产品“剩余经济”时代呼唤产后保鲜加工与市场的拉动。事实上,以户为单位的分散生产,特别是以商品形式参与流通的园艺产品,更难以面对社会主义大市场。“市场风险”始终困扰着宁夏的果树生产,面对种树种草发展果树的大好形势农民仍然不敢大力发展果树生产,“公司+农户”和订单农业虽然缓解了这种矛盾,但由于双方之间的买卖关系,农产品质量标准和价格与利润分配上矛盾重重。其核心问题就是以市场为拉动力的配套服务体系的建立。它需要科学技术的注入,以解决品种的优种化,区域化和生产的标准化;需要建立配套技术服务体系,架起科技与农民联接的桥梁,联起硬件服务与软件服务的链条,这样才能使农民摆脱“自然风险”、“人为风险”和“市场风险”。宁夏农业综合开发公司以服务农民为根本,由天津市农科院开发处牵线搭桥,与国家农产品保鲜工程技术研究中心(天津)(以下简称国家保鲜中心)建立紧密型经济与技术的 The “surplus economy” of agricultural products calls for post-production preservation and market pull. In fact, decentralized production on a household basis, especially in the form of commodities, is more difficult to confront the big socialist market. “Market risk” has always plagued the production of fruit trees in Ningxia. Faced with the excellent situation of planting fruit trees and growing fruit trees, farmers are still not able to vigorously develop fruit trees. Although “company + peasant household” and order farming have eased this contradiction, The relationship between the sale and purchase, the quality standards of agricultural products and the distribution of prices and profits contradictory. The core issue is the establishment of ancillary service system based on the market. It requires the injection of science and technology in order to solve the varieties of varieties, regionalization and standardization of production; need to establish ancillary technical service system, set up a bridge linking science and technology and farmers, together the hardware service and software service chain, so as to To peasants out of “natural risk”, “man-made risk” and “market risk.” Ningxia Agricultural Development Corporation to serve farmers as a fundamental, Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences Development Branch matchmaking, and the State Agricultural Engineering Center (Tianjin) (hereinafter referred to as the National Preservation Center) to establish a close economy and technology
黄鳝又叫鳝鱼、长鱼,营养丰富,肉味鲜美,是淡水鱼中的佳品。但要注意,食用黄鳝时不宜爆炒。因为爆炒的鳝鱼丝或鳝鱼片,虽味美可口,却对人体健康不利。 据科学测定,在一些黄鳝体内,有
针对电力市场改造的需求 ,对电力市场的决策支持系统进行了探讨。从系统的功能、开发、设计以及系统的实现等方面作了较深入的讨论。 In view of the demand of power marke
<正> 冬季来临,三九严冬,以寒为主气,五脏属阴,肾为阴中之阴,寒为阴邪,易伤肾阳,药膳应该以温补阳气为主。此时蔬菜品种较少,主要有萝卜、大白菜、菠菜等,亦可选用羊肉、狗肉
治失眠 :热水澡上床就寝前 ,一场美妙的热浸泡能帮你睡得更深沉。一次热水澡 ,提高了你整个躯体的温度 ,往后你的体温渐渐降低。正是这 ,带给您更深的睡眠。治泡沫感染 :酸乳