
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:monorrch
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汽车4S店的网站不但是企业运营的信息门户,而且是企业内部与外部之间、纵向与横向之间集成和整合的有效平台,未来势必成为客户与企业员工“足不出户,便知天下”的得力帮手。众所周知,以网站为代表的网络媒体已经成为继传统的第一媒体报纸、书刊,第二媒体语言广播,第三媒体电视广播之后的第四媒体,但就其信息量、访问量和影响力目前已经成为真正意义上的第一媒体。汽车4S店是否已经认识到网站在企业经营与管理中的地位,以及网站的实际建设与运行效果如何,值得我们思考。 Automobile 4S shop website is not only an information portal for business operations, but also an effective platform for integration and integration between the inside and outside the company, vertical and horizontal, the future is bound to become customers and employees World "effective helper. As we all know, web-based media represented by websites have become the fourth media after the traditional first media newspapers, books and periodicals, the second media language broadcast and the third media television broadcast. However, in terms of the amount of information, the amount of traffic and the influence Has become the first media in the true sense. Whether the car 4S shop has recognized the site in the business management and management of the site, as well as the actual construction and operation of the site how it is worth our consideration.
旅顺口是大连的一个区。有人说,来大连而未到旅顺,等于没有到大连。旅顺口闻名于世,归结起来有两大原因:一是,她拥有从新石器时期就开始的悠久历史 Lushunkou is a distric
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目的对有上消化道症状的患儿进行幽门螺杆菌感染相关研究。方法 2007年6月-2011年12月因上消化道症状来院治疗的患儿共348例分为:A组(12岁)91例。所有患者均行电子胃镜检查,