
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baishe654
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Impairments in using eye gaze to establish joint attention and to comprehend the mental states and intentions of other people are striking features of autism. Here, using event-related functional MRI (fMRI), we show that in autism, brain regions involved in gaze processing, including the superior temporal sulcus (STS) region, are not sensitive to intentions conveyed by observed gaze shifts. On congruent trials, subjects watched as a virtual actor looked towards a checkerboard that appeared in her visual field, confirming the subject’s expectation regarding what the actor ‘ought to do’in this context. On incongruent trials, she looked towards empty space, violating the subject’s expectation. Consistent with a prior report from our laboratory that used this task in neurologically normal subjects, ‘errors’(incongruent trials) evoked more activity in the STS and other brain regions linked to social cognition, indicating a strong effect of intention in typically developing subjects (n=9). The same brain regions were activated during observation of gaze shifts in subjects with autism (n=10), but did not differentiate congruent and incongruent trials, indicating that activity in these regions was not modulated by the context of the perceived gaze shift. These results demonstrate a difference in the response of brain regions underlying eye gaze processing in autism. We conclude that lack of modulation of the STS region by gaze shifts that convey different intentions contributes to the eye gaze processing deficits associated with autism. Impairments in using eye gaze to establish joint attention and to comprehend the mental states and intentions of other people are striking features of autism. Here, using event-related functional MRI (fMRI), we show that in autism, brain regions involved in gaze processing , including the superior temporal sulcus (STS) region, are not sensitive to intentions conveyed by observed gaze shifts. On congruent trials, subjects watched as a virtual actor looking towards a checkerboard that appeared in her visual field, confirming the subject’s expectation regarding what the actor ’ought to do’in this context. On incongruent trials, she looked towards empty space, violating the subject’s expectation. Consistent with a prior report from our laboratory that used this task in neurologically normal subjects,’ errors’ (incongruent trials) evoked more activity in the STS and other brain regions linked to social cognition, indicating a strong effect of intention in initive developing subject The same brain regions were activated during observation of gaze shifts in subjects with autism (n = 10), but did not differentiate congruent and incongruent trials, indicating that activity in these regions was not modulated by the context of the perceived gaze shift. These results demonstrate a difference in the response of brain regions underlying eye gaze processing in autism. We conclude that lack of modulation of the STS region by gaze shifts that convey different intentions contributes to the eye gaze processing deficits associated with autism .
后发性白内障(posterier capsu lar opac ification,PCO)是白内障摘除人工晶体(IOL)植入术后影响视功能的主要并发症,其发生与手术残留的晶状体上皮细胞增殖有关。研究发现PC
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小时候看过一部日本电影《砂器》。影片中,战后日本东北部一对失去土地的父子到处流浪,在大雨滂沱中赶路,在大雪天里乞讨,在崎岖的山路上跋涉。有一次,儿子被富家子弟殴打,瘦小的父亲拼命用身体挡住拳头和棍棒,滚落到水沟里。还有一次下大雪,父亲讨来一碗粥,用砂锅煮热了让儿子喝,儿子让他先喝,两人推来推去烫到了嘴,痛得原地大跳,却又相拥哈哈大笑……这个温暖的镜头,让我哭了。  那个父亲后来得了麻风病,被强行带
小学数学是抽象思维比较强的一门学科。它需要教师带动学生真正动脑思考,并且在课堂教学中去积极地思索,在教学中体现生活,更加积极主动地去激发学生的学习积极性、主动性和创新性,实现教学的成效性。    1.争奇好问,培养创新意识。营造问题情境,引发学生进行教学的再创造活动,是培养学生创新意识的主要方法。课堂教学中,教师要善于创设问题情境,激发学生去积极地动手、动脑,敢问,好问的情趣,使学生具有足够的创造
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