The Belt and Road Initiative will input new energy into Chinese textile industry Interview with Mr.G

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The Chinese textile industry is slowing to a new normal since this year with some specific sectors showing negative growth,featuring some new characters of the development under this circumstance.First,Chinese textile industry comes earlier than any other industry to show signs of growth change at midand-low rate as illustrated by the statistical data.Before year2013,the domestic sale grew faster than retail of social consumption goods and has changed,however,to a growth slowed by 2 The Chinese textile industry is slowing to a new normal since this year with some specific sectors show negative growth, featuring some new characters of the development under this circumstance. First, Chinese textile industry comes earlier than than any other industry to show signs of growth change at midand-low rate as illustrated by the statistical data.Before year2013, the domestic sale grew faster than retail of social consumption goods and has changed, however, to a growth slowed by 2
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