Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Propulsion Device of the Following KE Penetrator of Tande

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsh123456lsh
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A propulsion device of following kinetic energy (KE) penetrator of tandem warheads due to shear ring mode is designed. An interior ballistics model is set up with the hypothesis of instantaneous shearing action. The influence of different factors on the interior ballistic characteristics of propulsion device is discussed. The relations between the initial velocity of the following KE penetrator and chamber pressure with time and travel are obtained. The theoretical model is verified through experimental results and can be used as a reference for tandem warheads design. A propulsion device of following kinetic energy (KE) penetrator of tandem warheads due to shear ring mode is designed. An interior ballistics model is set up with the hypothesis of instantaneous shearing action. The influence of different factors on the interior ballistic characteristics of propulsion device The discussed between the initial velocity of the following KE penetrator and chamber pressure with time and travel are obtained. The theoretical model is verified through experimental results and can be used as a reference for tandem warheads design.
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