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为四化建设的需要,必须提高教育质量。普通中学的重要任务之一就是提高合格率,向社会和上一级学校输送合格的人才。而作为任课教师,就是要让更多的学生能掌握教学大纲所规定的基础知识。转变一些差生的学习状况,提高他们的学习质量,才能夺取教学上大面积丰收。几年来,我作了一些探索,还是有效的。八二年的高考中,我们这所乡村中学的考生的及格率有了较大的提高,平均成绩也跨入了及格线。八三年,高考及格率又提高到80%,平均成绩达到七十分以上。八四年高考,及格率达到98%,平均成绩跨进了八十分。今年高考,及格率为89%,平均成绩七十四分。一、了解学生要调查研究高一的新生经过初中升高中的选拔,基础较好。但由于学生之间存在差距,学科之间也存在差距,学生在化学学科的学习上也必然会出现不平衡。加上在新课学习中,又有同学会掉队,这就形成了所谓的“差生”。如何使他们学好呢?首先要能真正了解他们。究竟这些学生差到什么程度,属于哪种类型,就既要分析学生作业、试卷及回答问题中的差错情况,又要掌握他们过去的各阶段的学习情况。既要观察他们听课中的表情,又要听取他们对过去及现在的老师的课堂教学的看法。经常与他们谈谈学习情况,有 To meet the needs of the four modernizations, we must improve the quality of education. One of the important tasks of ordinary high schools is to increase the pass rate and deliver qualified personnel to the society and the higher schools. As a classroom teacher, more students are required to master the basic knowledge provided by the syllabus. Changing the learning conditions of some poor students and improving their quality of learning can only lead to a large harvest in teaching. In the past few years, I made some explorations that are still valid. In the college entrance examination in 1982, the pass rate of our rural middle school students has been greatly improved, and the average score has also entered the pass line. In 1983, the college entrance examination pass rate increased to 80% and the average score reached more than 70%. In the 1984 college entrance examination, the pass rate reached 98%, and the average score reached 80%. This year’s college entrance examination, the pass rate of 89%, an average score of 74 points. I. Understand that students are required to investigate and research freshmen who have passed the junior middle school. However, due to the gap between students, there are also gaps between disciplines, students will inevitably appear imbalance in the study of chemistry. In addition, in the new class study, some students will be left behind, which forms the so-called “bad students.” How to make them learn? First of all, we must really understand them. As to what extent these students are inferior and what type they belong to, it is necessary to analyze the mistakes in student assignments, test papers, and answer questions, and to grasp the learning situation in each of their past stages. They must not only observe their expressions in class, but also listen to their views on the classroom teaching of past and present teachers. I often talk to them about learning.
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