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在中国近现代史上,民初是复杂动荡的社会转型期,极具研究价值,而研究尚嫌薄弱。最近,周俊旗、汪丹两位先生在此领域中辛勤耕耘,勉力著述,出版了《民国初年的动荡——转型期的中国社会》一书(天津人民出版社1996年10月出版),对该时期的中国社会进行了全方位的观照,是民国史研究中不可多得的力作。 此书在学术上的贡献之一是站在较高的视点上,从宏观的角度对民初的中国概貌进行了研究和把握,思想开阔,研究范围广泛。全书共分8章,从“西方政治制度在中国的畸变”、“边疆危机与外交危机”、“新经济的成长”、“文化土壤的初步改良”、“对中国前途的求索”、“变革中的社会习俗和心态”等诸多方面论述了民初这一转型历史时期的社会演进,探讨了中西文化交汇过程中引发的中国社会之变动,在此基础上对民初政治与社会进行概括总结,认为民初是“两种政治体系的结合体和过渡期”,处于“一元的传统与多元的现实”的矛盾状态,也是“中国两次飞跃之间的一个能量积蓄期”。这种研究避免了过去那种由于研究内容单一、狭窄,而造成的结论相悖或不符合历史真实的状况,使研究更具科学性,客观地把握了民初剧烈变革时期的社会整体 In the modern history of China, the early Republican period was a period of complex and turbulent social transformation with great research value. However, research was still too weak. Recently, both Zhou Junqi and Wang Dan, both hard-working and hard-working, published and published “The Turmoil in the First Years of the Republic of China - Chinese Society in Transition” (Tianjin People’s Publishing House, October 1996) The Chinese society during this period conducted a full range of observations, is a rare masterpiece in the history of the Republic of China. One of the academic contributions of this book is to stand on a higher perspective. From a macroscopic perspective, this book has studied and mastered the profile of China in the early Republic of China, with an open mind and a wide range of research. The book is divided into 8 chapters, from the “Western system of distortion in China”, “border crisis and diplomatic crisis”, “new economic growth”, “initial improvement of cultural soil”, “on the future of China,” “change Social customs and psychology ”and other aspects of the social evolution during the transitional period of early Republic of China, discussed the changes of Chinese society caused by the intersection of Chinese and Western cultures, on the basis of which summarized the politics and society during the period of the Republic of China He believed that the beginning of the Republic of China was “the combination and transitional period of the two political systems” and was in a contradictory state of “one dollar tradition and pluralistic reality” and “an energy accumulation period between two leaps of China.” This kind of research avoids the situation of the past due to the single and narrow research content and the inconsistent or inconsistent conclusion with the historical truth, which makes the research more scientific and objectively grasped the social whole during the period of rapid change in the early Republic of China
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一转眼,在语文的百花园里,已经耕耘了二十余载。期间,我遇到了良师益友,遇到了许多语文教学研究的专家、优秀的名师以及更多的默默无闻的小学语文教师……许多年来,他们共同汇集成为一种强大的精神力量,鼓舞着我脚踏实地,一路求索。在语文的路上,我和我们河南小语团队不懈追求,经历着实践的打磨,享受着发现的快乐。  在这里,我想把我们团队成长过程中的些许感悟拿来和老师们分享,这些想法或许朴素简单,平淡无奇,但却