
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yp888yp
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Background and Purpose:To determine the relationship between ulceration, thro mbus, and calcification of carotid artery atherosclerotic plaques and symptoms o f ipsilateral or contralateral stroke. Methods:We compared microscopic plaque m orphology from patients with and without stroke symptoms ipsilateral or contrala teral to the plaque. Plaques were characterized for ulceration, thrombus, and ca lcification. We analyzed plaques from 241 subjects: 170 patients enrolled in the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS) and 71 patients enrolled in t he North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET); 128 subject s had no history of stroke symptoms, 80 subjects had ipsilateral symptoms, and 3 3 had contralateral symptoms. Results:Plaque ulceration was more common in plaq ues taken from symptomatic patients than those without symptoms (36%versus 14% ; P < 0.001); frequency of ulceration was similar for plaques associated with ip silateral(34%) and contralateral (42%) symptoms. Thrombus was most common in p laques taken from patients with both ipsilateral symptoms and ulceration. The ex tent of calcification was unassociated with stroke symptoms. Conclusion:Carotid plaque ulceration and thrombosis are more prevalent in symptomatic patients. Ul ceration is more common in symptomatic patients regardless of side of carotid sy mptoms, whereas thrombus is associated with ipsilateral symptoms and plaque ulce ration.Preoperative identification of carotid ulceration and thrombus should lea d to greater efficacy of stroke prevention by carotid endarterectomy. Background and Purpose: To determine the relationship between ulceration, thro mbus, and calcification of carotid artery atherosclerotic plaques and symptoms of ipsilateral or contralateral stroke. Methods: We compared microscopic plaque m orphology from patients with and without stroke symptoms ipsilateral or contrala teral to the Plaques were characterized for ulceration, thrombus, and ca lcification. Thirty patients were enrolled in the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS) and 71 patients enrolled in t North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET); 128 subjects had had no history of stroke symptoms, 80 subjects had ipsilateral symptoms, and 3 had contralateral symptoms. Results: Plaque ulceration was more common in plaq ues taken from symptomatic patients than those without symptoms (36% versus 14%; P < 0.001); frequency of ulceration was similar for plaques associated with ip silateral (34%) and contralateral (42 The ex tent of calcification was unassociated with stroke symptoms. Conclusion: Carotid plaque ulceration and thrombosis are more prevalent in symptomatic patients. Ul ceration is more common in symptomatic patients regardless of side of carotid sy mptoms, but thrombus is associated with ipsilateral symptoms and plaque ulceration. Preoperative identification of carotid ulceration and thrombus should lea d to greater efficacy of stroke prevention by carotid endarterectomy.
2015年3月28日 晴  假如生活是一杯鸡尾酒,虽然炫目却需要小心调配,那么与你相遇、厮守三年的日子,你就像一杯白开水那么甘之如饴。遇见你,是我最大的幸运!  记忆的牢门,悄悄打开。轻淌回忆,如诗如画,脑海浮现你的一举一动。  下了补习班,饥肠漉漉的我无力地倚着石墙,望着紧紧闭合的大铁门,心里不住地埋怨着妈妈,怎么还不回家?任冰凉的雨点打在脸上,浸入心底,阵阵凉意遍布全身。  眼前的世界突然出现
HIV感染孕妇用AZT治疗方案能降低患者体内HIV RNA水平,有效地降低HIV母婴垂直传播的危险性。为寻找一种服用方便、价廉的药物,Guay等在1997年11月~1999年4月期间在乌甘达首都