
来源 :核标准计量与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fsswyjz
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2006年8月9日中国核工业集团公司安质部在核工业标准化研究所主持召开了2007年度国防科技技术基础标准化项目论证报告审查会,与会专家对各单位申报的57项论证报告进行了逐项讨论,审查通过37项论证报告,上报国防科工委标准化研究中心。审查通过的标准化研究及标准制修定项目涉及 On August 9, 2006, the Ministry of Nuclear Science and Technology of China National Nuclear Corporation held a review meeting on the verification report of 2007 National Defense Science and Technology Basic Standardization Project hosted by the Institute of Nuclear Industry Standardization. The attending experts conducted a review of 57 demonstration reports submitted by various units Item discussion, examination and approval of 37 demonstration reports, submitted to the National Defense Science and Technology Commission standardization research center. Examination and approval of the standardization of research projects and standards involved in the project
The effects of microstructure change on the corrosion behaviours of Ni55Nb20Ti10Zr8Co7 bulk glass-forming alloy were investigated in 1 mol/L HCl and 0.5 mol/L H
In this article, the main factors which influence transmission efficiency of the SSRF electron beam trans- fer lines are described, including physical requireme
The 100 MeV high intensity cyclotron, CYCIAE-100, is an advanced accelerator project in China.The fabrication of the main magnet is the key part of the construc
The present research concerns in demonstration experiments in situ for dissolving behavior of the S-119 organic filth. The selected test conditions such as ambi
[摘 要] 我国目前的高职院校教育普遍存在着对实训课程重视程度不足的问题,而这一问题的存在,对培养适合社会发展需要的高素质应用型会计人才已经产生了不良的影响。因此,高职院校必须加大计算机电算化实训课程教学改革和创新的力度,这样才能培养出满足社会发展需要的高素质应用型人才。主要是在深入分析现阶段高职会计专业教学的基础上,根据会计岗位特点,针对会计电算化课程教学的改革进行了分析和研究。  [关 键 词
The space-charge effects can impose significant influence on the high intensity beam transport process. Along with the development of computing physics and comp