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以黑龙江省为参照,采用偏离-份额法分析小兴安岭国有林区产业结构,结果表明:(1)实施天保二期工程后,第一产业仍然保持较好的发展势头,但第二、第三产业发展速度放缓,第二产业发展受到全面停止天然林商业性采伐的直接影响,而第三产业也受到间接影响;(2)小兴安岭国有林区产业结构发生显效的变化,第一产业产值超出第二产业,它对经济增长总量的贡献最大,并且第三产业产值已接近第一产业;(3)小兴安岭国有林区第一、三产业产值大幅提升,但其竞争力还较弱,虽然第二产业产值下降,但其竞争力在3个产业中是最强的,第一、三产业短时间内还无法完全取代第二产业成为主导产业。 Taking Heilongjiang Province as a reference, the deviation-share method was used to analyze the industrial structure in the state-owned forest area in Xiaoxing’anling. The results showed that: (1) The first industry maintained a good momentum of development after the implementation of the second phase of Tianbao, but the secondary and tertiary industries The development of the secondary industry is directly affected by the commercial cessation of natural forests and the tertiary industry is also indirectly affected; (2) the industrial structure of the State-owned Forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains has undergone effective changes; the output value of the primary industry exceeds the The output of the tertiary industry is close to that of the primary industry; (3) the output value of the primary and tertiary industries in the state-owned forest area of ​​Xiaoxing’an Mountains has been increased substantially, but its competitiveness is still weak; The output value of the secondary industry drops, but its competitiveness is the strongest among the three industries. The primary and tertiary industries can not completely replace the secondary industry as the leading industry within a short period of time.
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