Influence of Cultural Background on Translation and Language

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  【Abstract 】“For truly successful translation, it is much more important to familiarize two cultures than mastering two languages, because words are assigned meanings in its particular cultures. ” It`s generally considered that language is an element of culture and reflects it. This thesis attempts to explore the influence of cultural backgrounds on translation and language, after showing the development of culture and translation, author draws a conclusion that interpreters should keep an extensive and profound comprehension of the two languages which considered.
  【 Key words】culture; translation; language; cultural background
  1. Introduction
  It`s proverbial that language plays an important role of culture, and language is also the product and carrier of culture. The closer relationship between culture and language is well-known, culture and language can`t be separated from each other. Translation is not only the bridge of communication between different countries, but also the medium of inter-cultural communication.(Eugene Nida, 1993). However, there would exist many problems for translators during the process of translation. The translators may encounter some barriers and culture shock from the cross-cultural materials.
  2. Culture
  2.1 Brief Introduction
  Culture can be defined in numerous ways.In the words of anthropologist E.B.Taylor, it is “that complex whole which includes knowledge, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” As a defining aspect of what it means to be human, culture is a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies. (Macionis, Gerber, 2010) The scholars` definition and the characteristics of culture includes all the major fields which the modern people are studying.
  2.2 Culture Shock
  Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one’s own; it is also the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, a move between social environments, or simply transition to another type of life. (Macionis, John, and Linda Gerber, 2010:54) Culture shock can be described as consisting of at least one of four distinct phases:honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment, and adaptation. The culture shock may not only take some barriers to scholars, but with the further researching of the different cultures in different areas, people are paying more attention to the relationships among the culture, language, and translation.   3. Influence of Cultural Background on Language and Translation
  3.1 Geographical Conditions
  It`s well-known that British is an island country. Local residents here who settling along the coastline and making a living by the sea, so they created their idioms about sea, island, sailing, and fish. For instance, in English the idioms like “A sea of troubles”无穷麻烦,When they are confused, they may say: “I`m all at sea”不知所云,When they are drunk, they can say : “half seas over” And some more “go with tide “随波逐流,and “cry stinking fish” 暴露的缺点.
  While China is an agricultural country, Chinese established a thriving fishing and farming culture. They made a living by soil, crop farming, sunshine, water and other natural factors. The verse锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土has showed the daily life of most people in summer in ancient China.And the verse足蒸暑土氣,背灼炎天光represents the hard`working spirit of ancient Chinese people.
  3.2 Historical
  For many years American English has been assaulting the British Isles with ever-increasing power and persistence through movies, newspapers, and television. Though “Petrol”, “autumn” and “pavement” have not surrendered to “gasoline”, “fall”, and “sidewalk”, words which aptly fill a real need such as “teenager” and “commuter” have now become well established in British English.
  With the development of science and technology, new words come into being to express new inventions, new techniques as well as new concepts. Some popular network language emerge at a historic moment. In Chinese, a popular network word “我真是醉了” The original meaning is to describe the people who get drunk, but real meaning is to express someone who is frustrated, and excited.
  Culture, language and translation, intrinsically interdependent on each other, have evolved together through history. Their mutual interdependence can find proof in the course of human civilization, the development of writing and human communication. The process of translating, actually is the process of cultural communicating. Meanwhile, some factors should not be neglected. With all the profound understanding of culture and language, translators can not only accomplish their tasks easier, but also they can enjoy the charm of language and culture.
  [1]Charks Hockett.A Course in Modern Linguistics.New York:Macmilan, 1956.
【摘要】在大学课堂,多以互动课堂教学为主,而对于互动课堂的提问教学方式对教学的整体效果有着重要影响,特别是对英语课堂教学而言,英语教师采取的提问策略不同对于学生学习掌握情况也有所不同。在大学英语互动课堂教学中,教师的提问策略能够有效帮助学生融入课堂学习中,因此需要不断优化课堂提问策略,深化提问技巧。  【关键词】大学课堂;英语教学;提问方式;教学目的;师生关系  在大学教学中,互动课堂能够有效促进
【摘要】对当前高职公共英语教育课堂普遍存在的问题,笔者结合实例,从多元识读的角度进行探讨并提出相应的解决建议和对策。  【關键词】多元识读;高职公共英语;多模态课堂  【作者简介】夏锦萍,女,汉族,江西余江人,深圳信息职业技术学院,博士,职称中级,研究方向:系统功能语言学,语篇分析。  【基金项目】本文系深圳市教育科学规划2016年度一般非资助课题“高职公共英语教科书多模态语篇研究—基于多元识读在
【摘要】小学英语学习是系统学习的开端,是关键的基础期。随着社会的进步,人们对于英语的学习越来越重视,并且随着素质教育的展开,对于英语学习提出了更高的要求,这对于老师和学校来说是一个挑战。如何在孩子英语学习的黄金时期打下良好的基础是我们一直在讨论的问题,现在,我们为了改善英语教学情况,开始采用趣味教学法来提高孩子们的兴趣,提高学习效率,就此我们进行展开讨论。  【关键词】小学教育;英语教学;趣味教学
【摘要】本文主要以校园英语微信提交作业的探索与实践为重点进行分析,结合当前英语教学现状为主要依据,从设计创新型作业、设计实践类作业、设计合作型作业、开展有效性评价等方面进行深入探索与研究,主要目的在于提高英语教学质量,为学生日后学习深层次的英语知识点做铺垫。  【关键词】微信;创新作业;评价  【作者简介】贾永玲(1988.3.10- ),汉族,女,甘肃兰州人,本科,中教二级,兰州市永登县连电学校
【摘要】当下中学英语教学中,教师要能够针对学生的英语核心素养予以重视,有效的响应新课程标准下以人为本的教育理念,针对英语课程中的听说读写进行有效的授课,以此来更好的培养学生的英语素养。英语教学中,口语本身就是一个非常重要的内容,而传统的教学模式往往会忽略对于学生口语的训练,这会让学生出现开口能力差的现象,因此当下要能够针对中学英语在口语教学中存在的不足与探讨,进而有效的针对其提出解决策略。  【关
【摘要】英语是国际语言中使用最广泛的语言之一,也是现代中国学生从小学习的语言。英语课程标准强调英语能力是听、说、读、写技能的综合和灵活应用。所以,为了加强高中在英语教学中的听、说、读、写能力培养,现在高中英语教师和科研人员都进行了大量的探索,培养学生“听、说、读、写”四大技能,其中,我们要重点训练学生的听说能力。  【关键词】高中英语;新课程标准;学科素养  英语听、说、读、写能力的培养是当前高中
【摘要】文章以纪录片《海上丝绸之路》为例,从接受美学视角分析了海上丝绸之路文化英译,主要在审美经验、期待水平、效果史三个方面展开剖析,目的是保质保量的实现文化输出。  【关键词】接受美学;《海上丝绸之路》;文化英译  【作者简介】吴明才(1978.9- ), 男,汉族,福建漳州人,本科,福建师范大学闽南科技学院副教授,研究方向:大学英语教学。  现如今,经济全球化不断深入,我国成为世界第二大经济体
【摘要】作为当今文化中最畅销的音乐形式之一,说唱音乐对美国青少年的日常生活和交流产生了很大的影响。说唱音乐中最重要的特征是非洲裔美国英语(AAE)的使用,它与标准英语有一些区别。本文在社会语言学的背景下讨论了AAE在说唱歌曲中的用法。  【关键词】说唱歌词;非洲裔美国英语;说唱俚语;社会语言学  【作者简介】刘雪莹(1993.11.10-),女,汉族,现就读于西安外国语大学英文学院2016级翻译学
Last Wednesday, April 4th was the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. who was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and lea
【摘要】常言道“良好的开端, 是成功的一半。”课堂导入是课堂是否成功的关键之一,而教学任务能否顺利完成, 教学目标能否顺利实现都与课堂有效导入有密切相关。在英语教学中,如何在课堂伊始就能吸引学生学习的注意力,让活泼好动的学生尽快进入学习状态是现阶段小学英语教学必须解决的一个重大难点。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂导入;有效方法  引言  为了改变常见的英语课堂导入方法不科学、教学模式不完善的普遍现状