An Authenticated Identity-Based Key Establishment and Encryption Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:habits
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Security of wireless sensor networks has received considerable attention. It is a critical challenge to find out suitable encryption schemes for wireless sensor networks due to limitations of power, computation capability and storage resources of these networks. Many encryption schemes based on asymmetric and symmetric have been investigated. In this paper, we present an authenticated identity-based key encryption scheme for wireless sensor networks. We first review briefly about identity-based encryption and decryption, particularly, the Boneh-Franklin algorithms, then describe an authenticated identity-based key encryption scheme based on Boneh-Franklin algorithms, and finally show the integrity of our scheme and discuss its efficiency and security by comparing it with other asymmetric and symmetric encryption schemes. Security of wireless sensor networks has received appropriate attention. It is a critical challenge to find out suitable encryption schemes for wireless sensor networks due to limitations of power, computation capability and storage resources of these networks. Many encryption schemes based on asymmetric and symmetric have been investigated. In this paper, we present an authenticated identity-based encryption scheme for about wireless sensor networks. We first review briefly about identity-based encryption and decryption, particularly, the Boneh-Franklin algorithms, then describe an authenticated identity-based key encryption scheme based on Boneh-Franklin algorithms, and finally show the integrity of our scheme and discuss its efficiency and security by comparing it with other asymmetric and symmetric encryption schemes.
公元960年,后周殿前都点检(当时最精锐的部队殿前军最高长官)赵匡胤策划发动了陈桥兵变,以黄袍加身的方式建宋代周。赵匡胤夺取帝位的方式虽然不太光彩,但北宋的建立,却结束了唐末五代以来国家分裂动荡、朝代更迭频繁的混乱局面,并在汉、唐之后,使中华文明进入新的黄金时期。作为宋朝开创者的宋太祖赵匡胤也与秦皇、汉武、唐宗并列,成为中国历史上的一代雄主。  古人常说,为政之要,惟在得人。有宋一代的辉煌成就,与
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