艰苦奋斗 再创辉煌——庆祝《中国花卉盆景》月刊创刊十周年

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屈指一瞬间,《中国花卉盆景》月刊自1984年10月创刊起,到今天整整走过了十个寒暑的战斗历程。“索物于夜室者,莫良于火;索道于当代者,莫良于典。”中国花卉盆景的兴旺,靠现代科技的运用和普及。报刊是桥梁,是舟楫,是行之有效的传播媒介。《中国花卉盆景》是伴随着改革开放大潮而诞生、发展、壮大起来的。十年实践证明:它不仅在促进花卉园艺产业的兴旺方面尽到了社会责任,也对改善城乡生存环境,倡导精神文明方面起到了健康积极的作用。 10年,这个刊物总发行量达到1200万份,居国内同类刊物中首屈一指的位置。这个事实充分反映了社会需要它,人民群众喜爱它。由于得到了党和政府 In the twinkling of an eye, the monthly magazine “China Flower Bonsai” started its publication in October 1984 and has now gone through 10 battles during the winter and summer. “Cables in the night room who, Mo Liang in the fire; cableway in the contemporary, Mo Liang Yu Dian.” The prosperity of Chinese flower bonsai, rely on the use and popularization of modern science and technology. Newspaper is a bridge, is a boat, is an effective media. “Chinese Flower Bonsai” is born, developed and expanded along with the tide of reform and opening up. Decades of practice have proved that it has not only done its social responsibility in promoting the prosperity of the flower and horticulture industry but also played a healthy and positive role in improving the urban and rural living environment and promoting spiritual civilization. In 10 years, the total circulation of this publication has reached 12 million, ranking first in the domestic similar publications. This fact fully reflects that society needs it and that the people love it. Thanks to the party and government
建设社区图书馆,让图书馆走进千家万户是公共图书馆发展的方向。 The construction of community libraries, so that libraries into millions of households is the direc
一、前言 色谱-质谱-计算机联用技术把色谱仪的高度分离能力、质谱计优越的鉴定能力和计算机强大的数据处理能力有机地结合在一起,为科研工作者提供了极为有效的分析手段。
文章分析了高校图书馆主要的读者群体,将不同层面的读者群体的状况进行研究探讨,并提出对策. The article analyzes the major readership in university library, investig
本文在多年编目工作实践与研究的基础上总结了目前我馆中文机读书目数据和其它中文编目机构经常出现的著录、主题标引等方面的质量问题,并对此作了一定的分析。 Based on ma