The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》

来源 :中学生英语·阅读与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jg1983
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   Buck is a large dog who leads a comfortable life in a California pasture with his owner, a judge. One day he is stolen by the gardener’s assistant and sold to pay off a gambling1 debt. Buck is taken to Alaska and sold to a pair of French Canadians who are satisfied with his physique2. They train him as a sled3 dog, and he quickly learns how to survive the cold winter under the law of jungle by observing his teammates. Buck is later sold again and passes hands several times, all the while improving his abilities as a pack leader among the sled dogs.
   Eventually, Buck is sold to a man named Hal, who knows nothing about sledding nor surviving in the Alaskan wilderness, nor does his wife and her brother. They struggle to control the sled and ignore warnings not to travel during the spring melt. As they journey on, they run into Thornton, an experienced outdoors man, who notices that all of the sled dogs are in terrible shape from the ill treatment of their handlers4. Thornton warns them against crossing the river, but they refuse to listen and order Buck to mush5. Exhausted, starving, and sensing the danger ahead, Buck refuses. Recognizing him as a remarkable dog and disgusted6 by the driver’s beating of the dog, Thornton cuts him free from his traces and tells the trio he’s keeping him. After some argument, the trio leaves and tries to cross the river, but as Thornton warned, the ice gives way and they drown.
   As Thornton nurses Buck back to health, Buck comes to love him and grows devoted to him. Thornton takes him on trips to pan for gold. During one such trip, a man makes a wager with Thornton. Buck wins the bet and gets a lot of money for Thornton by pulling a half-ton sled. Unfortunately, his beloved master is killed by some Native Americans during their trip to pan for gold. Buck angrily kills several Native Americans to avenge7 Thornton. Then he returns to the woods to become alpha wolf of the pack8. Each year he revisits the site where Thornton died, never completely forgetting the master he loved.
   Through Buck’s experiences living in the wild, Jack London wants to tell us that the world is dominated9 by those who are much stronger and more powerful than common people, and only the stronger ones could exist. This is the law of the jungle. Buck gradually realizes the law and begins to obey the law. The savage10 environment which is full of tricks, dangers and deaths turns him to be more powerful and cunning11. Finally, he becomes the leader of his team. Similar to the wild, our society becomes crueler and crueler. If you want to exist, to have a good life, you should be tough enough to stand the sufferings; you should keep alert, watch and learn; you should make yourself stronger than others. This is the law of living.
   As we know, Buck answers the call of and returns to the wild finally. Actually, the call is from the bottom of Buck’s heart rather than from the wild though Buck often hears the howl of the wolves. The call is the will or the instinct12 which makes him want to be himself: A wolf. Every one of us has a call in our hearts. The call is our dream, goal or something we really want to do. However, under the pressure of the society, we often have to give up our dreams or goals, and do things we are unwilling to do. Maybe we should learn something from Buck: Just follow the call of your heart and be yourself!
  [1] gamble vi. 赌博 [2] physique n. 体格,体型
  [3] sled n. 雪橇vi. 乘雪橇;用雪橇运 [4] handler n. 管理者
  [5] mush vi. 带狗撬在雪上前进 [6] disgust vt. 使厌恶;使作呕
  [7] avenge vt. 替…报仇 [8] pack n. 包装;一群
  [9] dominate vt. 控制;支配 [10] savage adj. 野蛮的;残酷的;荒凉的
  [11] cunning adj. 狡猾的;巧妙的;可爱的 [12] instinct n. 本能,直觉;天性
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