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又一部台湾偶像剧《薰衣草》再度刮起新一轮“偶像剧热潮”,并且成功迈向国际,短时间内便卖出多国版权。这部由台视和三立电视台投资1300万台币合拍的10集(内地引进时剪辑成16集)偶像剧讲述的是一个爱和承诺的故事。歌坛巨星季晴川与青梅竹马的女友梁以薰经过重重波折好不容易在一起后,以薰却因患先天心脏病而辞别人世,这段感人恋情最终以悲剧收场。虽说剧情有些类似轰动一时的韩剧《蓝色生死恋》和日剧《神啊,请再多给我一点时间》,但该剧无论在场景、演员和拍摄手法上都有着相当浓厚的台湾风格。尤其是该剧推出后,立刻捧红了剧中担纲主演的四位新人,他们现在已经成为电视圈炙手可热的红星。 Another Taiwanese idol drama, “Lavender,” once again drew a new wave of “idol drama boom” and successfully marched to the world to sell multinational copyrights in a short time. This 10-episode investment by Taiwan's TV station and Sanlita's 13 million Taiwan dollars (16 episodes when the mainland was introduced) is a love story and a promise. Singing star Ji Ching Chuan and childhood sweetheart girlfriend Liang to Kaoru after a lot of twists and turns is not easy to be together, but due to congenital heart disease and died, this touching romance eventually ended in tragedy. Although the plot is somewhat similar to the hit Korean drama “Blue Love and Death” and the Japanese drama “God, please give me a little more time”, but the drama in terms of scenes, actors and shooting techniques have a very strong Taiwanese style. Especially after the introduction of the drama, the four new starring stars in the drama immediately became popular hot stars in the television circle.
【摘要】培养学生的创新思维能力,是素质教育的核心,也是新课改的要求。数学是一门对创新思维方法要求较高的课程,将素质教育理念贯彻到初中数学教学中去,培养学生的创新思维,具有一定的必要性和紧迫性。文章结合初中数学教学内容和特点,就如何在初中数学教学中培养学生的创新思维进行了探讨、分析。  【关键词】初中 数学教学 创新思维 培养  【中图分类号】G633.6【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-30
南京的域墙是一部浩翰巨著,读下去,会发现点点难解之谜;南京城墙是一位历史老人,走近他,可以知晓许多有趣的故事。 Nanjing domain wall is a great masterpiece, read on,
Objectives: To study the characteristics of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes (IMEM) and the relationship between th
Two children presented with acute hepatitis after starting therapy with atomoxetine (StratteraR). In one child, no competing diagnosis could be identified, and