
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:second5201314
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“建设一支适应小学教育改革需要的教师队伍,是改革取得成功的保证。”这已成为全省素质教育深入发展的关键,因而引起广泛的关注。尤其是1992年省教委颁发了《江苏省小学教师基本功要求》以后,全省各地普遍加强了教师基本功训练,更加重视提高教师素质。正是在这一背景下,上期我们刊登了反映湖、高邮两县、市加强教师基本功训练、考核的做法和经验的文章;这一期又选载了三篇反映学校加强教师基本功训练,提高教师素质的思考、经验、体会的稿件,意在推动各地、各校相互学习,取长补短,以利于这项工作的健康发展. “Building a team of teachers suitable for the needs of primary school education reform is the guarantee for the success of the reform.” This has become the key to the in-depth development of quality education in the province, and it has caused widespread concern. In particular, after the Provincial Education Commission issued the “Basic Skill Requirements for Primary School Teachers in Jiangsu Province” in 1992, the basic skills training for teachers was generally strengthened throughout the province, and more emphasis was placed on improving the quality of teachers. It is against this background that in the last issue we published articles reflecting the practices and experiences of strengthening teachers’ basic skills training and assessment in the two counties and cities in the lake and Gaoyou; this period also selected three articles reflecting the school’s efforts to strengthen teachers’ basic skills training and improve The quality of teachers’ thinking, experience, and experience of the manuscripts are intended to promote the mutual learning of the various schools and schools and to complement each other in order to facilitate the healthy development of this work.
随着气温的逐渐升高,一些静水养鱼的池塘很容易发生“泛池”,“泛池”的主要特征是鱼儿严重浮头或窒息死亡。其主要原因是鱼池在上年的秋末投 As the temperature gradually
我县属丘陵地带 ,小型水库较多 ,近年来 ,随着农村产业结构的调整 ,我县水产事业飞速发展 ,冬片鱼苗出现了供不应求的局面。我县水产养殖大户曹清荣 2 0 0 0年在珊城乡五里村
腹腔镜胃旁路术(laparoscopic gastric bypass)是治疗肥胖症最有效的术式之一。我院腹腔镜中心自2004年底以来共完成7例。报告如下。1资料与方法本组男2例,女5例。年龄加~36岁。B