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《语文课程标准》指出:“写作教学应贴近学生实际,让学生易于动笔,乐于表达,应引导学生关注现实,热爱生活,表达真情实感。”而实际上,我们的学生面对习作,往往总是抓耳挠腮、苦思冥想,不会写、不爱写,无话可说、无事可写、无情可抒,所以导致学生的习作往往通篇假话、空话、套话。那么,如何让学生不再对习 “Chinese Curriculum Standard” states: “Writing teaching should be close to the actual students, so that students can easily write and be willing to express their opinions. Students should be guided by the reality, love life and true feelings.” In fact, Often always scratching, hard thinking, will not write, do not love to write, nothing to say, nothing to write, mercilessly can be expressed, leading to students’ writing is often through a lie, empty talk, set of words. So, how to make students no longer internship
本期所选的两篇访谈录反映了澳大利亚的社会阶级与家庭生活情况。 The two interviews selected in this issue reflect the social class and family life in Australia.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, many researches on the sealing characteristic of mechanical seals were carried out broadly and in depth by various meth
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Salesmen depend upon the person-to-person approach in try-ing to persuade consumers to buy. Advertising, however, has todepend upon reaching consumers indirect
本篇以一个随父母从德国城市移居到加拿大大草原地区的小女孩的眼光,描写了加拿大大草原区的田野风光、风土人情,笔触颇为细腻。 This article describes the Canadian land