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2009年客车行业最热门的关键词是什么?新能源?没错。在客车界,业内人士碰面的第一句话也许变成了:“你新能源了吗?”确实,你新能源了吗?2008年还离中国客车界那么远的新能源,忽然在2009年就火了起来,我们也忽然发觉,原来中国有那么多能生产新能源汽车的客车企业。而且,这些企业仿佛在一夜之间就具备了研发和生产“新能源”汽车——这种高、精、尖技术含量高的产品的实力。从政府部门对于新能源汽车花重金的鼓励,到企业雨后春笋般推出新能源客车产品,在政策导向下,之前从未像今年这样,行业、媒体对新能源客车的追捧和宣传如此热烈。不过仍有一些冷静和质疑的声音。近日,国内知名经济学者谢国忠抛出了“电动车泡沫论”:“等着瞧吧,电动汽车不过是一个浪费纳税人无数血汗钱的概念。每当汽车业陷入困境,总会拿新产品说事。这就是汽车业得以吸吮资金活下来的方式。”也许说泡沫过于偏激,但目前轰轰烈烈的新能源汽车示范工程、各企业一拥而上的新能源产品,是否真正把钱用在刀刃上?在现今新能源汽车“烈火烹油、鲜花着锦之盛”的背后,是否已暗埋隐忧?在广泛采访政府官员、业内专家以及企业新能源项目负责人后,本期《商用汽车新闻》总结出了新能源客车的6大怪现状,这6大怪现状对于今后中国客车产业的健康发展有何影响?就请诸君看完自行下判断了。 What is the hottest keyword in the bus industry in 2009? New energy? In the passenger car industry, the first words people in the industry met may become: “Is your new energy yet? ” Indeed, your new energy? New energy that is still as far away from China’s passenger car industry in 2008 suddenly As soon as it became hot in 2009, we suddenly realized that there were so many bus companies in China that could produce new energy vehicles. Moreover, these companies seem to have the ability to develop and produce “new energy” vehicles overnight - a high, refined, sharp technical product. From government departments for new energy vehicles to spend heavily on encouragement, to the business mushroomed launch of new energy bus products, under the policy guidance, as never before this year, the industry, the media sought after the new energy buses so much publicity. However, there are still some voices of calm and questioning. Recently, well-known domestic economist Xie Guozhong dished out “electric car bubble theory ”: “wait and see, electric car is just a waste of taxpayers countless hard-earned money concept. Whenever the automotive industry in trouble, always get New products that this is the way the auto industry to suck money to survive. ”Perhaps the bubble is too extreme, but the current vigorous demonstration of new energy vehicles, companies booming new energy products, whether the real money for the blade On the back of today’s new energy vehicles, “fire cooking, flowers Jin Sheng” behind, has hidden hidden worries? In a wide range of interviews with government officials, industry experts and corporate leaders in new energy projects, the current “commercial Automotive News ”summed up the 6 new energy bus status quo, the status quo of these 6 strangers for the future development of China’s bus industry, the health impact? Please read on your own judge.
口服金刚烷胺引起视幻觉目前国内很少报道。我院曾遇见3例,现报告如下: 一、病例介绍例1:女,5岁。诊断:上感。给予口服金刚烷胺0.2g,每日3次,共服0.6g。当天下午患儿在凉台
本科自1980年9月~1985年8月测定血清T_3、T_4共6700例,其中由非甲状腺疾病引起的血清T_4降低属低T_3综合征者21例,占0.3%,现报道如下。 临床资料 本组21例患者,男12例,女9例,
患者,男,10岁.素常身体健康,1987年2月18日上午出现发热,咳嗽,咽疼.以晒干的山豆根约60克浓煎令患儿顿服.服后约二小时,出现神志模糊,旋即昏迷,即入院抢救. 检查:患者呈深度