The growth mechanism of hydrotalcite crystal

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdhjy
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From the point of growth units, the growth mechanism of hydrotalcite (HT) crystal is investigated in this paper. Results show that the growth morphology of HT is consistent with the model of anion coordination polyhedron growth units. The Raman shift of growth solutions of HT, Cu-HTlc, and Cu-Zn-HTlc are monitored using Raman spectroscopy. In the experiment, the growth units of Mg-Al-hydrotalcite are [Mg-(OH)6]4- and [Al-(OH)6]3-, and the growth units of Cu-Htlc and Cu-Zn-HTlc are [Mg-(OH)6]4- and [Al-(OH)6]3-, respectively. The growth process of hydrotalcite is as follows: growth units first incorpo- rate into metal layers, then metal layers adsorb An- and H2O, and the growth units incorporate into layer compounds according to this rule. Growth units will have different incorporations and growth morphologies caused by different growth surroundings. Furthermore, the reason why Cu-HTlc is difficult to synthesize is also interpreted in this paper. From the point of growth units, the growth mechanism of hydrotalcite (HT) crystal is investigated in this paper. Results show that the growth morphology of HT is consistent with the model of anion coordination polyhedron growth units. The Raman shift of growth solutions of HT , Cu-HTlc, and Cu-Zn-HTlc are monitored using Raman spectroscopy. In the experiment, the growth units of Mg-Al hydrotalcite are [Mg- (OH) 6] 4- and [Al- 3-, and the growth units of Cu-Htlc and Cu-Zn-HTlc are [Mg- (OH) 6] 4- and [Al- (OH) 6] 3-, respectively. The growth process of hydrotalcite is as follows : growth units first incorpo- rate into metal layers, then metal layers adsorb An- and H2O, and the growth units incorporate into layer compounds according to this rule. Growth units will have different incorporations and growth morphologies caused by different growth surroundings. the reason why Cu-HTlc is difficult to synthesize is also interpreted in this paper.
肯定成绩 正视问题继续努力 再造辉煌──广东省文化厅阎宪奇厅长在全省公共图书馆馆长会议上的讲话(摘要)1995年5月24日(记录整理,未经本人审阅)1肯定成绩,正视问题从去年文化部在全国公
患儿男性,2月.因发热、呕吐、阵发性惊厥12天入院.体检:T39.8℃,P130次/分,R40次/分,发育营养良好,精神软 .面色苍白,呼吸急促,两侧瞳孔正常.心肺无异常.腹软,肝脾未及.前囟
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