Research on Behavior of Corrugated Packing in Vacuum Distillation Tower

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:long_drago
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The corrugated packing is prone to break down easily, which can affect the tower efficiency substantially. It is the inner environment of the vacuum distillation tower including the temperature and chemical nature of fluid that lead to the packing damage. The theoretical analysis indicates that it is the inner material flow of vacuum distillation tower that leads to the vibration of packing, which can affect the corrosion fatigue of packing significantly. Meanwhile, the modal shape and inherent frequency of packing under prestress can be obtained by means of mathematical analysis. Based on the two kinds of analysis, the flow induced vibration and corrosion fatigue are accountable for the failure of packing. The corrugated packing is prone to break down easily, which can affect the tower efficiency. It is the inner environment of the vacuum distillation tower including the temperature and chemical nature of fluid that lead to the packing damage. the inner material flow of vacuum distillation tower that leads to the vibration of packing, which can affect the corrosion fatigue of packing significantly. Meanwhile on the modal shape and inherent frequency of packing under prestress can be obtained by means of mathematical analysis. Based on the two kinds of analysis, the flow induced vibration and corrosion fatigue are accountable for the failure of packing.
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