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目前,很多医院的多道睡眠监测(polysomnography,PSG)检查工作交给了耳鼻咽喉科,这将有利于耳鼻咽喉科的整体发展.但目前有关阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)研究的文献,主要集中在治疗方面,而其他方面却很少,尤其是PSG检查方面.对PSG检查的认识不足,或重视不够,将造成PSG检查结果的可信度下降,其反映为PSG报告中存在着明显的错误,甚至是原则性错误.安装PSG导联时,其位置是否正确、合适,安装得是否牢固、可靠等一系列的问题,将直接影响检查的结果.目前国内外关于睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的专著,仅对导联安装进行了原则性的描述,远远不能满足实际操作的需要,也很少见到导联安装方面的文献.加强这方面的交流将有助于提高PSG检查结果的准确性与可靠性.现将我们在进行PSG检查时的点滴体会进行整理、总结,与广大同道进行交流.

A digital pulse shape discrimination system based on a programmable module NI-5772 has been established and tested with an EJ-301 liquid scintillation detector.
The high energy resolution monochromator(HRM) is widely used in inelastic scattering programs to detect phonons with energy resolution, down to the me V level.
Diffraction enhanced imaging(DEI) has been widely applied in many fields, especially when imaging low-Z samples or when the difference in the attenuation coeffi
The wedge strip anode (WSA) has been widely used in 2-D position-sensitive detectors. A circular WSA with an effective diameter of 52 mm is successfully coupled t
Peking University is developing a 1.3 GHz superconducting accelerating section highpower THz freeelectron laser for the China Academy of Engineering Physics(CAE
1月14日 晴  今天来说一下我养的一个植物——仙人球。  它穿着绿衣服,身上长满刺,好像一个绿刺猬,刺是雪白的。有一次,我带着这盆“绿刺猬”去晒太阳,它十分重,我好不容易才把它拿到阳台上,幸运的是,手没有被它扎到,我给它“喝”了几滴水,它好像在说:“谢谢。”  还有一次,我吃完饭后,想拿根牙签发现没了,我就只好就地取材,从仙人球上拔了一根刺当牙签,结果不错,和牙签一样。  仙人球真有趣!  浙江
We put forward a method to optimize the single-step tapering amplitude of undulator strength and initial energy tuning of electron beam to maximize the saturati
Based on the theory of relativity in superstrong magnetic fields (SMFs), we have carried out an estimation on electron capture (EC) rates of nuclides 52,53,54,5
12月19日 晴  在我家,爸爸个儿最高,身高1.82米,够高的吧?国字脸,黑黑的眉毛,眼睛炯炯有神,高高的鼻梁,有时戴着一副金丝边眼镜,特帅。  其实,我最欣赏的是他那张嘴,大大的,还长着一颗小虎牙,虽然丑了点,但从他那嘴里迸出来的歌太好听了。  爸爸的厨艺堪称一流。因为他以前当过厨师,每次他休息在家,都会问我想吃什么?我就点他最拿手的“糖醋排骨”“可乐鸡翅”“青椒土豆丝”。他忙得不亦乐乎,我吃