
来源 :中国钱币 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darling1989
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记古钱学家方若先生盛观熙方若(1869—1955年),浙江定海城关镇人,清同治己巳年生,字药雨,号劬园,别号古货富翁。其本名城,字楚卿,小名谒宝。曾任知府、永定河工委员、北洋大学堂教授、《国闻报》主笔。方若曾因抨击清慈禧太后弊政,与康有为、梁启超等人同遭通缉,避于日本领事馆,继而出走日本,后幸赖朝廷有力者周旋而得免,遂归国创办《日日新闻》于天津,并开设利津地产公司等,天津沦陷时期,曾出任天津治安维持会筹备委员兼伪高级地方法院院长等职。清代乾隆、嘉庆时期,金石考据之学逐渐兴起,其时泉家辈出,著述如林,古钱学研究盛极一时。著名学者如初尚龄、戴熙、李佐贤、刘喜海、鲍康等辈,对后代影响颇深。方若集钱之初,时约光绪二十六年(1900年),正值前辈名家藏钱散出,少有人问津之际,遂大肆搜罗传世名品、珍罕古钱,盖以新出北魏“天兴”全钱,宋大礼银等而成当代巨富。旋即与杭州钱币大收藏家张叔训,重庆钱币大收藏家罗伯昭鼎峙而立,时人有俗谚曰:“北方、南张、西蜀罗”,名噪泉坛,蜚声海内外。方若平生爱好金石书画,尤喜古钱,嗜钱成癖,自诩不贫于古,故晚号古货宫翁。每有公余间暇之时,考究历代铸钱之源,验证百家圜化之说,对古钱大小、质地、色 In ancient money scholars Fang Ruo Guanghuang Fang Ruo (1869 - 1955), Dinghai Chengguan Town, Zhejiang Province, Tongzhi has been born in Qing Dynasty, the word Yiyu, No. Xuan Park, alias ancient goods millionaire. Its own name city, word Chuqing, nickname Yebao. Former prefect, Yongding River workers, Beiyang University professor, “State Newspaper” pen. Fang Ruoxi once attacked the Empress Dowager Cixi because of the scolding of the Empire Dowager, and Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and others were both wanted by, avoiding the Japanese Consulate, then left Japan, Tianjin, and Lijin Real Estate Company, etc. During the period of the Japanese occupation in Tianjin, they served as the preparatory committee for Tianjin Peacekeeping Association and the deputies of the pseudo-senior district court. During the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods in the Qing dynasty, the study of Jinshi gradually began to rise up. Famous scholars as early as age, Dai Xi, Li Zuoxian, Liu Xihai, Bao Kang and other generations, deep influence on future generations. If the beginning of the collection of money, the time about twenty-six years Guangxu (1900), just came out of the famous celebrities to save money, few people interested in the occasion, then wantonly collecting famous, rare money, cover with a new Northern Wei Dynasty “Tianxing” all the money, the Song Dynasty Silver and other contemporary rich. Immediately with the Hangzhou coin collector Zhang Shu-xun, Chongqing coin collector Luo Bazhao Dingzhi stand, when people have the saying goes: “North, South Zhang, West Shuluo,” Quanquan Quan, renowned at home and abroad. Fang Ruo love life stone painting, especially hi ancient money, addicted to money addiction, self-proclaimed not poor in ancient times, so the evening of ancient goods Weng. Every time I have time in the public, I try to find the source of money for each generation and verify the meaning of the hundred types of money. The size, texture and color of the ancient money
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