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在社会主义市场经济日益发展的今天,如何构筑社会保障“安全网”,已成为全社会关注的焦点问题。在全国率先实行社会保险制度改革的广东省,近年来,在加快完善社会保障体系,大力推进社会保险依法全覆盖的过程中,积极采取有效措施,提高社会保险运行质量。——巩固扩大社会保险覆盖面。广东省在去年社会保险扩面工作取得突破性进展,养老、失业保险参保人数比上年分别增长72%和70%的基础上,今年初,全省社会保险工作会议作出部署,要求各地将法律法规规定应该参加社会保险的所有用人单位和劳动 Today, as the socialist market economy develops day by day, how to build a “safety net” for social security has become the focus of attention of the whole society. In the past few years, Guangdong Province, the first in the country to implement the reform of the social insurance system, took active measures to improve the quality of social insurance in accelerating the improvement of the social security system and vigorously promoting the full coverage of social insurance according to law. - Consolidate and expand social insurance coverage. Guangdong Province made a breakthrough in expanding social insurance last year. On the basis of an increase of 72% and 70% in the number of pension insurance and unemployment insurance respectively over the previous year, early this year, the province's social insurance work conference made a plan to require all localities Laws and regulations stipulate that all employers and workers in social insurance should participate
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如果我们走出小我,就会发现另有一种大气作文在,这类作文有文化品位、有人文关怀、有思想底蕴,气度博大,令人耳目为之一新。 If we walk out of ourselves, we will find th
现金流量表与财务状况变动表相比,在揭示信息方面,主要有以下优点: 一、资金概念直观明了。我国企业现行编制的财务善变动表,采用的资金概念是营运资金,即流动资产减去流动