
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdtk88
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大中型水利水电工程的施工期较长,在此期间的物价波动很难预测。《水利水电工程施工合同和招标文件示范文本》(GF—2000—0208)专门就物价波动的价格调整作出了具体规定,以解决由物价波动而带来的风险。但由于我国尚处在社会主义初级阶段,市场经济基础薄弱,机制不健全,价格指数的确定尚未规范化,在利用公式法进行价格调整时,有许多问题需要认真研究,加以解决。本文通过对大中型水利水电工程施工中物价波动引起的工程合同价格调整计算的阐述,谈如何规避物价波动而带来的风险。 Large and medium-sized water conservancy and hydropower project construction period is longer, the price fluctuations during this period is difficult to predict. The Model Text for Construction Contracts and Bidding Documents for Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects (GF-2000-0208) specifically stipulates the price adjustment of price fluctuations in order to address the risks posed by price fluctuations. However, since China is still in the primary stage of socialism, the market economy has a weak foundation and the mechanism is not perfect, and the price index has not been standardized yet. In formulating the price adjustment formulary, many problems need to be carefully studied and solved. This article elaborates the price adjustment calculation of construction contract caused by the price fluctuation in the construction of large and medium-sized hydraulic and hydropower projects, and discusses how to avoid the risk brought by price fluctuation.
During a student-excursion in October 1936, four days were spent in Huangshan inSouthern Anhui, the mountain range of perhaps the most beautiful scenery in all
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