Speech Convergence in Second Language Teaching Class

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  【Abstract】For ESL/EFL teachers, language theories will help you understand how to teach more effectively by being exposed to several language theories or some other related theories for language teaching. The CLT theory emphasizes that communication is the main aim in language learning. When we communicate with others, we are not merely communicating thoughts or simple information. Our relationships with others, and our sense of who we are managed through our conversations. We unconsciously build, produce our identities, roles and relationships in conversational interaction. In this article, speech convergence in second language teaching will be discussed shortly, in addition, some pedagogical implications will be given to make the second language teaching class more dynamic and effective.
  【Key words】Accommodation Theory (AT); Speech Convergence; Second Language Teaching; Pedagogical Implications
  【作者簡介】Feng Jing, Dong-A University.
  1. Theoretical Background
  Communication Accommodation Theory was proposed in 1970s. In CAT, or in its original form ‘speech accommodation theory’ (West and Turner, 2010), it is argued that interlocutors in a conversation adjust their speech according to their conversational partners (West and Turner, 2010; Giles and Gasiorek, in press). According to (Giles,1973), convergence occurs when the interlocutor(s) convert their communication behavior to be more like the person or listener they are talking to. The CAT proposes that the use of speech convergence can decreases social distance between interlocutors and thus reflects a speaker’s (often unconscious) need for social integration or identification with the interlocutor’s social group (Giles, Coupland, and Coupland 1991). Thus, having awareness of this may motivate the instructor/teacher to use speech convergence more deliberately.
  2. Second Language Teaching and Speech Convergence
  In this section, how speech convergence relates to SLA will be mentioned. First, it should be noted that in every single interaction or communication, either convergence, divergence or maybe both at the same time can occurs. Indeed, according to Krashen’s Input hypothesis (1985), simplified or comprehensible input is conducive to acquisition. Speech adjustments such as using shorter utterances, and simplified lexis and syntax help make input more comprehensible, and therefore make acquisition easier. In addition, Krashen also proposes that second language acquisition can take place if the input provided by the interlocutor is slightly beyond the learners’ level. In a similar vein, native speakers’ tendency to modify their speech to assist L2 speakers can be viewed as an accommodation strategy employed by the native speakers while interacting with non-native speakers. (Scarborough, Brenier, Zhao, Hall-Lew, and Dmitrieva, 2007). Native speakers who have experience with nonnative speakers may try to choose topics that they believe are suitable, or ask ‘or’ questions in different way to make L2 speakers understand more.   3. Pedagogical Implications
  In speaking, learners need to decide the use of speech convergence appropriately according to its audience. It is necessary for the students to know the functions and factors that may influence speech convergence, in that way it can be taught to develop students’ awareness of the use of it. It can be regarded as a polite speech strategy (J. Holmes,1992.). Attention should be paid and the awareness of speech convergence should be raised through second language teaching. Speech convergence does not just occur on a linguistic level, learners’ awareness of how to use some non-verbal speech convergence in certain situations needs to be raised so that they can make themselves understood and read their conversation partners’ intentions as well. English teachers should use speech convergence positively in their classroom setting because the English class might include a lot of explanations, paraphrasing. This paper encourages English teachers to use speech convergence in teaching process, which helps construct greater English learning success.
  [1]Ferguson, C. A. Toward a characterization of English foreigner talk[J].1975.
【摘要】在小学英语教学,实际教学过程经常会存在各种各样的问题。随着学生学龄的不断增长,英语学习难度也随之提升,还有部分学生对英语这门学科缺乏学习兴趣,这就为英语教师来战英语教学增加了难度。本文围绕英语绘本进行分析,提出如何在小学英语教学中整合利用英语绘本资源。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本资源;整合应用  【作者简介】冯颖梅,肇庆市鼎湖区永安镇中心小学。  当前时代,我国朝向国际化的发展逐渐加快,国
【摘要】作为一门应用性和实践性较强的学科,英语课堂上的沟通和交流对于學生学习是非常重要的,其乐融融、和谐民主的英语课堂氛围对于提高学生英语学习效率,提升教学质量有着重要作用。但是在当前的英语课堂教学中,教师和学生在某种程度上形成了交流孤岛,导致师生关系失衡。本文针对当前英语课堂教学中师生互动的现状进行分析,探讨了加强英语课堂教学中师生情感互动的有效策略。  【关键词】英语;课堂教学;师生关系;情感
【摘要】素质教育背景下,对于小学低段英语教学提出了更高要求。小学英语教师要与时俱进创新教育理念,结合小学生活泼好动自然天性特点和学习领悟能力,在教学中充分应用绘本进行有效教学。不但可以激发学生主动学习意识和课堂积极性,更能培养学生拼读能力,促进学生学习成绩及英语综合素养提升,体现良好英语教学成效。本文结合当前小学英语教学中存在问题状况,具体阐述利用绘本提高小学低段英语教学效率策略探析。  【关键词
【摘要】听力教学是语言学习中输入的重要环节,在初三听力教学中,初中英语教师要立足课标和教材并积极整合教材。与此同时,还要根据学情,科学规范地进行弹性设计,这样才能有的放矢地面向全体学生授课,循序渐进地帮助学生提高听力能力,进而有效地提升学生的语言综合运用能力。  【关键词】初三听力;教学;弹性设计  【作者简介】蒋乐,广西南宁市新民中学。  《英语课程标准》(2011年版)对初中毕业生的听力能力提
【摘要】本文结合译林版《英语》四年级下册Unit 7story time的词汇教学,探讨如何创设情境促进词汇教学,即明确词汇用法,提供语用条件;激发学习兴趣,增加语用机会;结合社会生活,促进深度学习。  【关键词】词汇教学;语境;语用;词汇表达  【作者简介】朱滨,苏州工业园区唯亭实验小学。  在每个人学习英语的过程中,都需要识记许多词汇。我们发现往往在文本中去记忆,会比逐个记忆的效果要好很多。这
【摘要】作为世界上使用最为广泛的语言,英语在我国的学校教育中占据着重要的地位,新课改要求提高学生的英语学习能力,因此初中英语老师在课堂教学中要注意提高课堂教学有效性。本文就具体实例谈谈提高初中英语教学有效性的对策。  【关键词】初中英语;有效性  【作者简介】林艳,福州江滨中学。  对于任何事物的学习来说,兴趣总是第一位的,“知之者不如乐之者,乐知者不如好之者”,学生只有对这个学习的内容感兴趣了,
【摘要】由于全球化的逐步形成,中西文化在发展过程中的交流会越来越频繁,如何在中职英语教学中导入中国文化,并且保证中职学生的英语水平成了目前中职英语教师的最主要问题。本文笔者主要分析了当前中职英语教学的现状,并且从中提取出所存在的问题,并提出相应的解决策略,旨在为改进中职英语教学引入中国文化提供一些有意义的参考。  【关键词】中职英语;中国文化;文化导入  【作者简介】徐雪景(1982-),女,汉族