Features of E-C Public Speech Interpreting: A Case Study of the Interpretation of Obama's Speec

来源 :英语广场(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gg236624
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This paper is trying to analyze the E-C interpreting scripts of Inaugural Address, Remarks on Winning the Nobel Prize and Shanghai Speech by the 44th president of United States Barack Obama with a comparative method based on data collected. The analysis will be employed on the lexical, syntactic as well as rhetorical level and the features of E-C public speech interpreting will be achieved accordingly. The features may serve as reference for the interpreters in their interpretation practice in order to improve the interpretation effects. This paper is trying to analyze the EC interpreting scripts of Inaugural Address, Remarks on Winning the Nobel Prize and Shanghai Speech by the 44 th president of United States Barack Obama with a comparative method based on data collected. The analysis will be employed on the lexical, syntactic as well as rhetorical level and the features of EC public speech interpreting will be achieve accordingly. The features may serve as reference for the interpreters in their interpretation practice in order to improve the interpretation effects.
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