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富江岛又名大耳朵岛,是大自然鬼斧神工的杰作。它位于松花江巴彦段主江道中央,距大项子山航电枢纽只有5KM。岛东西3.5KM,南北2.5KM,总面积8800亩。四面皆为主江道,江水湍急。岛上沟壑纵横,有五个天然湖泊呈五角形排列,尤如五k珍珠镶嵌在耳朵之上,把富江岛美丽的脸膛点缀得格外生机盎然,岛上之人赋予其一个美丽的名字“五珍珠湖”。岛上杂草葳蕤,芦苇荡一望无际。沟壑边生长着号称大一点的鸟都飞不过去的茂密的柳条通。山岗上有成片的桑树林,盛夏时节,桑葚熟了,远处望去如片片红霞披在绿色的山水之上,煞是壮观。走的近前,轻轻摘下一粒,仔细端详,果实红润鲜亮,就象豆蔻年华少女的唇,把你的手和嘴角都涂得紫红紫红的,即便用上好的洗涤剂也要连续洗上一个星期才可以洗去。那些不忍心洗去的人,纵使天天洗脸洗手也 Fujiang Island, also known as the big ear island, is a masterpiece of nature. It is located in the Bayan section of Songhua River main channel central, away from the Daxizishan navigation junction only 5KM. Island things 3.5KM, 2.5KM North and South, with a total area of ​​8800 acres. All four sides are the main river, fast-flowing river. Longitudinal and ravine island, there are five natural lake pentagonal arrangement, such as five k pearl inlaid on the ears, the beautiful face embellishment Fujiang particularly virgin, the island people give it a beautiful name Pearl Lake ". The weed on the island, reeds swing endless. Gully grows with the so-called thicker birds can not fly to the dense wicker pass. Hill has a piece of mulberry forest, summer season, mulberry ripe, the distance looked like pieces of Hongxia draped above the green landscape, it is truly spectacular. Walked near, gently take off a grain, carefully examined, the fruit rosy bright, like the lips of a girl with cardamom, put your hands and mouth are purple mauve, even with a good detergent to be washed continuously A week can wash away. Those who can not wash away, even wash their hands every day, too
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