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  A meal can tell a story, but it’s not often we see an entire story told only through meals. That was director Patrick Osborne’s goal with Feast, and there can be no doubt that he accomplished[实现] that goal.
  Feast is the story of James, a man, and Kirby, a woman, told through the eyes of Winston, a food-obsessed[着迷的] dog (is there another kind?). As Winston goes from suspicious[怀疑的] stray[走失的家畜] to man’s best friend, his meals become bigger and more interesting, and his happiness increases as well. But when the steaks and pizza are replaced by lettuce[生菜,莴苣] leaves, Winston has to make a choice between his own happiness and the happiness of his master and friend.
  Feast conveys[表达] exactly what Osborne intended: a romance told through delicious-looking food, from the perspective[视角] of a lovable little dog. It’s all there in Disney’s official description[描述] for the film: “The story of one man’s love life is seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed[揭示] bite by bite through the meals they share.” The human characters—seen from the dog’s perspective—don’t even come into focus until most of the way through. Literally[确实地], their faces are either offscreen[画面以外的], blurry[模糊的], or obscured[遮蔽的] until Winston begins to put their needs before his. Before then, their random[任意的] feet could belong to anyone.
  The film’s two focal points[焦点,中心]—the mutt[杂种狗] and the meals—come to life in a way that only Disney’s attention to detail can achieve. Osborne chose purposefully[有目的地] to rely on instantly[立即地] recognizable[可辨认的] themes and character types, like the idea that a man won’t eat a salad unless a woman puts it in front of him.
  Winston moves in a way that makes you want to hug him, even when he’s begging for scraps[残羹剩饭]. And just as Feast’s food makes your stomach rumble[隆隆作响], this little guy will make your heart swell.
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