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2013年,中国汽车之父饶斌诞辰100周年。为此,按照国务院前副总理李岚清的指示,由工信部部长苗圩部署,中国汽车工业协会、中国汽车工程学会、中国汽车技术研究中心和中国汽车工业咨询委员会等参与筹备的纪念饶斌同志百年诞辰活动已进入倒计时。饶斌是中国汽车工业建设杰出的奠基人和开拓者。1913年3月3日出生在吉林省吉林市。他1933年加入中国共产主义青年团,1937年加入中国共产党。抗日战争爆发后,被派赴晋西北参加开辟和坚持抗日根据地的斗争;日本投降后,他被派回东北;全国解放后,任中共松江省委第一副书记、松江省人民政府副主席兼哈尔滨市市长、东北计划委员会副秘书长等职务。饶斌的汽车人生始于1952年12月28日。当天,第一机械工业部(52)机干技字第27号文令:(一)任命饶斌为汽车工业筹备组长春六五二厂厂长,郭力、孟少农、宋敏之为副厂长;(二)免去郭力汽车工业筹备组长春六五二厂厂长职务。此后,饶斌同志历任第一机械工业部副部长兼汽车工业管理局局长,国家经济委员会副主任,第二汽车制造厂党委第一书记、厂长兼中共十堰市委第一书记,第一机械工业部部长兼汽车总局局长、部党组书记,中国汽车工业公司董事长、党组书记等职务。1987年8月29日,在考察第一个中外合资轿车企业上海大众过程中,不料心脏病突发,74岁的饶斌在上海因医治无效逝世。“他临行前,我正好去看他,曾劝他天气稍凉一些再去。”李岚清同志在为《饶斌传记》作序时这样写道:“但他心系汽车工业,执意前往。”《汽车商业评论》了解到,纪念饶斌同志诞辰百年活动由以下五部分组成:一是举办座谈会,主要邀请汽车界的老领导、老前辈,饶斌同志亲属,国内主要汽车企业负责人参加,邀请中央领导出席并作重要讲话。二是出版纪念文集,组织采访汽车界老前辈、饶斌亲属以及汽车企业领导,收录相关纪念文章并出版,《饶斌传记》将在座谈会上首发。三是出版纪念画册,按照中国汽车工业编年史选择珍贵历史图片,记录中国汽车工业发展重大事件,体现党和国家领导人对汽车工业的关心和指导,展现饶斌同志对中国汽车工业做出的巨大贡献。四是在画册基础上收录当年留存的影像画面,制作纪念光盘,在纪念座谈会上播放。五是重新设计饶斌塑像。准备做四尊塑像,两尊全身放在一汽和东风;两尊半身放在上汽和北京汽车博物馆。在此背景下,本期《汽车商业评论》杂志特邀请老一辈汽车人李刚、张兴业、刘书泽、吴庆时、韩玉麟、王荣钧以及其长子饶达或口述或追忆饶斌同志的片断往事,以此深切缅怀这位被喻为“中国汽车之父”的奠基人。此次口述历史以及所刊用的部分老图片,得到各位讲述者以及一汽张学东的大力支持,在此一并致以深深的谢意。 In 2013, Rao Bin, the father of China’s automobile, celebrated its 100th birthday. To this end, in accordance with the instructions of Li Lanqing, former vice premier of the State Council, Comrade Rao Bin, commended by PLA Minister Miao Wei for deployment and China Automotive Industry Association, China Society of Automotive Engineers, China Automotive Technology Research Center and China National Automobile Industry Consultative Committee, Activity has entered countdown. Rao Bin is an outstanding founder and pioneer of China’s automobile industry. March 3, 1913 was born in Jilin City, Jilin Province. He joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in 1933 and joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1937. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he was sent to northwestern Shanxi to take part in the struggle to open up and uphold the anti-Japanese base areas. After the surrender of Japan, he was sent back to the northeast. After the liberation of the country, he was the first deputy secretary of the Songjiang Provincial Party Committee and the vice chairman of Songjiang Provincial People’s Government Harbin Mayor, deputy secretary general of Northeast Planning Commission. Rao Bin’s car life began on December 28, 1952. On the same day, the First Machinery Industry Department (52) machine technology word No. 27 text: (A) the appointment of Rao Bin for the automotive industry preparatory group Changchun 652 Factory Manager, Guo Li, Meng Shaonong, Song Min as the deputy director ; (Two) the removal of Guo Li automobile industry preparatory group Changchun six hundred fifty-two factory director. Since then, Mr. RAO Bin has served as vice minister of Ministry of Machinery Industry and director of the Automobile Industry Management Bureau, deputy director of the State Economic Commission, first secretary of the Party Committee of the second automobile factory, factory director and first secretary of the CPC Shiyan Municipal Committee, the first machinery industry Minister and Secretary General of the State Administration of Taxation, Secretary of Party Branch, Chairman of China Automotive Industry Corporation, Party Secretary and other positions. August 29, 1987, in the study of the first Chinese-foreign joint venture car company Shanghai Volkswagen process, unexpected heart attack, 74-year-old Rao Bin died in Shanghai for medical treatment invalid. “Before he left, I was going to see him and advised him to have a bit of cooler weather.” “Comrade Li Lanqing wrote in his preface to Rao Bin Biographies:” But he is interested in the automobile industry, Insisted on going. “” Automotive Business Review “learned that to commemorate the birthday of Comrade Rao Bin Centennial activities consists of the following five components: First, organize forums, mainly to the old leaders of the automotive industry, veteran, relatives Rao Bin relatives, the main domestic Car enterprises to participate in, invite the central leadership to attend and make an important speech. The second is the publication of a collection of memorials, the organization interviewed the predecessors of the automotive industry, Rao Bin relatives and leaders of automobile companies, included the relevant memorial articles and published, ”Rao Bin Biography“ will start at the forum. The third is the publication of an album of commemorative pictures, a selection of precious historical pictures in light of the chronicle of China’s automobile industry, the recording of major events in the development of China’s automobile industry, the care and guidance of the party and state leaders in the automotive industry and the commendation made by Comrade Rao Bin to China’s auto industry huge contribution. Fourth, on the basis of the album, we recorded the images retained in the current year, made a commemorative CD, and played it at a commemorative forum. Fifth, re-design Rao Bin statue. Be prepared to make four statues, two whole body on the FAW and Dongfeng; two half-length on SAIC and Beijing Automobile Museum. In this context, this issue of ”Business Review of Motors“ invites the older generation of motorists, Li Gang, Zhang Xingye, Liu Shuze, Wu Qingshi, Han Yulin, Wang Rongjun and his eldest son, Rao, or oral or recalling the story of Comrade Rao Bin This deep memory of this was hailed as ”the father of Chinese cars," the founder. The oral history as well as part of the old picture used by the gallery, get the speaker and FAW Zhang Xuedong’s strong support, together with the deep gratitude.