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一切叙事作品都讲故事。即便是最抽象的荒诞戏剧,讲的也是有关人类生存的广义的寓言故事,从故事框架发展为情节模式。传统戏剧强调时空连续与线性因果关系。1 所谓故事就是以人物为中心,依照时间顺序安排一系列事件的叙述。故事是戏剧叙述最基本的层面,无论多么复杂的戏剧结构,多么巧妙的舞台叙述,都必然包含有故事性。戏剧离不开故事性。故事为一切戏剧叙述提供外在框架。舞台的整体象征,不论是写实的本体象征,或是非写实的抽象、变形、荒诞、意象……都必须借助故事的基本层面来建构自身的深层结构。 All narratives tell stories. Even the most absurd, absurd drama speaks of a generalized allegory about human existence, evolving from a story framework to an episodic one. Traditional drama emphasizes space-time continuity and linear causation. The so-called story is a character-centered arrangement of a series of events in chronological order. The story is the most basic level of drama narration. No matter how complicated the dramatic structure or the clever stage narration, it must contain the story. Drama can not be separated from the story. The story provides an external framework for all the dramatic narratives. The overall symbol of the stage, whether it be a realistic symbol of ontology, or a non-realistic abstraction, distortion, absurdity, imagery ... must be based on the basic level of the story to construct its own deep structure.
As technology extends to nanometer scales,the critical charge to induce a single event decreases along with the technology node,and the threshold linear energy
由中国消防协会批准 ,《消防科学与技术》编辑部主办的《消防科学与技术》作者 -编者 -读者笔谈会暨“第二届消防科学技术学术研讨会”于 2 0 0 1年 3月 2 7日至 30日在广西
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本文通过对离心鼓风机喘振现象的分析探讨,提出了防止喘振现象的具体措施,实施改造后取得了良好的效果。 In this paper, we analyzed the surge phenomenon of centrifugal